
Showing posts from November, 2009

Divine Interuptions

It happens to all of us from time to time. And we hate it! We’re going along in our daily routine and we’re focused on what we think is important at the time. And then- wham! The phone rings or someone is at the door. Something happens and we are interrupted from what we are doing. How distracting! How rude! The Bible speaks about some interruptions- I like to call them Divine Interruptions . Moses was going about his daily routine, watching his father-in-law’s sheep. He was leading them through the desert (Exodus 3:1). Put yourself in his place for a moment. There he was in tune with the bleating of those sheep, carefully watching out for them and protecting them from wild animals. His mind was on his job, not thinking about much else. Then all of a sudden- he was interrupted! Wow! Picture it—a burning bush that didn’t burn up! Never before had he seen such a thing! Suddenly, he wasn’t thinking about those sheep anymore. He didn’t really care that he was still in the desert. It was

Sharing--Matthew 25:14-30

For many years I have kept a journal. The Lord has been dealing with me lately to dust off some of my thoughts and share them with others. Why wait till I am gone and someone “discovers” them hidden away in some notebook on a shelf? So here I am. A little about myself: I have been married for 20 years to my husband who pastors a church. We were not blessed with children, but have been blessed over and above with other blessings- such as our wonderful families, friends, endless spiritual blessings and His wonderful Presence to lead and guide us through all the ups and downs that any ordinary married couple would go through. I say ordinary because even though we may be called of God to the ministry, we are still ordinary in the fact that we must daily lay our lives down in place of His will. We go through the same struggles that any couple or person would go through. It may not be the exact same problems, but the principle is always the same: Let God have His way. That is where the str