Divine Interuptions

It happens to all of us from time to time. And we hate it! We’re going along in our daily routine and we’re focused on what we think is important at the time. And then- wham! The phone rings or someone is at the door. Something happens and we are interrupted from what we are doing. How distracting! How rude!

The Bible speaks about some interruptions- I like to call them Divine Interruptions. Moses was going about his daily routine, watching his father-in-law’s sheep. He was leading them through the desert (Exodus 3:1). Put yourself in his place for a moment. There he was in tune with the bleating of those sheep, carefully watching out for them and protecting them from wild animals. His mind was on his job, not thinking about much else. Then all of a sudden- he was interrupted! Wow! Picture it—a burning bush that didn’t burn up! Never before had he seen such a thing! Suddenly, he wasn’t thinking about those sheep anymore. He didn’t really care that he was still in the desert. It was here that he had an encounter with God. (Read the rest of the chapter or the rest of Exodus for that matter). His life was forever changed after that Divine Interruption.

Another example is Joseph. He was going along bothering his brothers and bragging about how God was going to use him. He wasn’t thinking about much of anything other than himself. Then- wham-- He got thrown into a pit and then was sold into slavery. Interrupted!!! His life was never the same after that. (Genesis 37, 39-50) He ended up in Potiphar’s house and things were going along quite nicely, and then—interrupted again. Falsely accused he was tossed into prison and forgotten for a time. But later he was released and promoted and was set over all Egypt. God used him to save his family - the Jewish nation -from starvation. His life was forever changed after that Divine Interruption.

The Apostle Paul is another example. He was going about his job of gathering the Christians and bringing them to Jerusalem to be imprisoned (Acts 9). He had his mind on what he thought was important at the time. He could never have anticipated the Divine Interruption that was about to happen. All of a sudden- he was interrupted!!! A bright light from heaven came upon him. As he fell to the ground he heard God’s voice. God interrupted him and showed him His glory. God interrupted him, saved him and Paul was used for the glory of God. His life was forever changed after that Divine Interruption.

I was interrupted the other morning around 4:00 am. The Lord was calling me to prayer. After tossing and turning awhile, kind of justifying why I shouldn’t get up out of my comfy warm bed, I obeyed. As I went to prayer I knew that God had interrupted me for a reason. He wanted me to intercede on behalf of others. Afterwards, I didn’t even miss the sleep; I stayed up and continued on with my day. But I was glad that I gave in to the Divine Interruption.

Don’t despise the interruptions in your life. They just may be God ordained. He does it on purpose to get us out of our daily routine, out of our rut so that we can see His glory. Today like never before Christians need to be interrupted. We need to be interrupted from our daily routines, our self interests and our comfort zones. We need to allow God to interrupt us and bring us to a place where we too can see the glory of God. Then our lives will never be the same. Maybe you feel like your life has been interrupted in some way. Something has happened that you hadn’t planned on. Your dreams and plans may seem like they have been interrupted. Don’t lose heart. It just may be the Divine Interruption of God and if you look closely, you too may see the glory of God. Your life will never be the same again.

If you have been praying to be used of God, to have the glory of God shine through your life- you better start expecting lots of interruptions. God will interrupt us from our day to day routines, from our peaceful and tranquil places, from our four walls. Our lives may never be the same after our Divine Interruption.


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