Jesus Is Still The Answer

When my husband first started pastoring we had services in the basement of our home. My father-in-law made a large sign to put out in the front of our house giving the name of the church and the times and days of services. This went on for quite awhile without any problems.

Then one day my husband received a letter in the mail from the city stating that we had to remove our church sign because our house was not up to code to contain a church. We were instructed to take down our sign. It was true that we were not handicapped equipped but the church was in prayer to obtain a building in God’s time. My husband complied with the city’s request and he removed the sign.

After some prayer, the Lord gave my husband an idea. He went about making another sign. It simply read, “Jesus Is Still The Answer”. He put that sign out where the church sign had been. Many were the good comments that we received about it even from unbelievers. One person started attending our services and at first thought the name of our church was “Jesus Is Still The Answer Church”. Sounds like a good name to me!

It doesn’t matter where we are, what we are going through- good or bad--- JESUS IS STILL THE ANSWER! He always will be the answer to ALL of our questions and problems. He has ALWAYS been the answer and will continue to be the answer for all eternity. During these difficult times, if we can just remember that Jesus is the answer and to put all our faith and trust in Him, there will be no need for fear or alarm. When we commit our lives to Him, He takes full possession and takes care of us (Psalms 37:5, 6 and Proverbs 16: 3). That word commit here means to roll away or remove. As a camel kneels down he leans to one side and his load rolls off his back, so are we to kneel before the Lord Jesus Christ and allow those burdens to roll off of us. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:25-34 that the birds of the air are not concerned about what to wear or what to eat. They know that their heavenly Father will take care of them. When we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will supply all our needs. Yes, Jesus Is Still The Answer to any problem or situation that we face today.


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