Seven Trees- What Kind Are You?

The “Christmas Season” has been upon us for several weeks now. I am sure you have heard much talk about Christmas trees, what kind to get- artificial, real, how big or how small. Remember the aluminum ones that came out in the 60”s? My brothers and I were so glad that our parents did not ever get one. When we lived in the country my brothers and/or dad would simply go out to the woods and chop one down. Later when we moved to town, if was a little more difficult to find a nice one.

As I was studying my Bible last week I came across some trees that the Lord said He would plant in our wilderness. In Isaiah 41:17-20 God was speaking to Israel and assuring them of His help during a barren desolate time in their history. He mentioned how He was going to bring rivers and pools of water into barren, desolate areas. He promised them that He was going to plant several different types of trees. I did a little study of those trees and it was pretty amazing.

The cedar tree was a juniper tree and was used by the priests for their sacrificial duty at the altar. The acacia tree was a close-grained tree and was naturally repellent to insects. It was used to make the Ark of the Covenant and many other items in the tabernacle. The myrtle was a large evergreen shrub and had fragrant scented flowers and sweet smelling leaves. The oil tree produced a small olive that was made into medicinal oil. The cypress tree was hard and durable and the pine tree was soft which made it easy to cut and shape. The last tree mentioned was a box tree- a hardy evergreen tree. These were all to be planted by God and grow in the desolate wilderness. Think of it!

I love the Word of God! Though written a long time ago, it becomes life to us who believe. We can apply it to our lives today. Some say the Bible is out dated and old fashioned. But to Christians it is a living Word and very up to date for today. I thought this was so neat- how God will plant in our wilderness these things!!!! They will be made manifest in our lives when we give ourselves and our trials over to the Lord! Isaiah 61:3 also speaks about us being trees of righteousness planted by the Lord that He will receive the glory.

I keep keep thinking about how these trees grow in our lives- during our times of sorrow and loss, testings and trials—if we allow Jesus Christ to work in our lives. We can become a tree of sacrifice to the Lord. When we present our bodies to Christ as a living sacrifice, He takes it and uses it for His glory (Romans 12:1). Also- the acacia was insect repellent- when we allow Christ to rule in our lives we are repellent to the fiery darts of the enemy. We are repellent to the insects and worms that satan uses to try and come against us (Isaiah 54:17). We also become the material that “houses” the Spirit of the Living God!!! How awesome!!! To realize that we- our bodies- can house the Spirit of God- that He would even choose to live there amazes me! (1Corinthians 3:16). But it is because of what He has done and not what we have done. It is through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and then allowing Him to take full possession of our lives and be filled with His Spirit. Then we become sweet and fragrant to the Lord and to others- yes, during our “good” times, but mostly during our times where we think we are not worth anything; those times when we think we aren’t of much value- barren, desolate and totally in a wilderness. We also develop that medicinal oil- we can be a healing touch to the lives of those around us. We become hard and durable but at the same time soft and pliable- easy for the Master to cut and tool. And also we become that hardy evergreen. I think of evergreens as those trees that never give up to the weather. No matter what kind of weather is raging around them- they stay green and fresh. They give off a sweet aroma to the world around them no matter what the weather is- sunny and warm, rainy and cold or freezing blizzard conditions. This is all ours and then verse 20 sums it up by saying that others will see our lives and how we handle those difficult times and they will understand that the Lord has done this and He is the One that has created these attributes in our lives. He takes something that seems so worthless and barren- our lives--- and causes it show forth His glory- IF we let Him.

So the next time you see one of these trees, remember these verses and the next time you may feel like you are going through a wilderness and that your life has no meaning- just give it over to the Lord and see what He will develop in you!!!


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