Showered With God's Love

The Lord gave me this phrase several years ago when I was making a card for a friend. It seems like at this time of the year we do more thinking about the love that God had for us. He had so much love that He sent His son Jesus Christ into the world to save the world from its sin. That is a lot of love. I am not a parent, but I do understand the word LOVE and I think I would find it almost impossible to give up my child or anything that I dearly loved for someone else. But God gave Himself through His Son Jesus Christ to a world that was lost in sin so that we might have a chance to be a part of His great love.

With all the worldly stress and tumult that is around us, sometimes it is difficult to remember just why we are celebrating Christmas. We have to remember and stay focused on Jesus Christ no matter what situations or trials we may be facing. Whether things seem “good” or “bad” right now, the fact is that God loved us so much that He sent His son. He certainly showered down His love upon an unlovely world at the time of Christ’s birth.

But the story didn’t end there. It is not just because of His birth that we receive the Love of God, but because of His resurrection. If it wouldn’t have been for the resurrection, we would still be in our sins without a Savior. For it is in His resurrection and the giving of His Holy Spirit that gives us life, hope and peace no matter what we go through. All can be recipients of all that He has to offer. But we must believe and receive and then put our lives fully into His care.

Christians certainly are showered with God’s love. When I think of all that He has given me: Ephesians 3:3-14 does a pretty good job listing many of the things that God has given us. It starts out by saying “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” and as if that wasn't enough it goes on to mention how He chose me before the foundation of the world; I am adopted as His child; I am accepted in the Beloved; I have redemption through His blood, forgiveness of sins, the knowledge of His will- and it just goes on and on of all the spiritual blessings that we receive in Christ Jesus!

We may not all be blessed with a lot of earthly possessions, a good job or a wonderful family or friends. But when we know Jesus Christ, we really have all we need and are certainly showered with His love. This life is not the end of our story either. Our story never ends. The resurrection will tell all.

So if you haven’t found or you don’t get that “perfect” gift, remember that we already have “The Perfect Gift”—Jesus Christ. Remember that He has showered all of His love down to us and continues to do so all the time. We need to look up and behold all His blessings!!


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