
Showing posts from February, 2010

Losing Weights

Here we are already into the second month of the New Year. If you are like me you may have already lost out on your resolutions. One of my resolutions was to lose some of the weight I had accumulated over the year. You know-eat more healthy meals and exercise more. I seem to just keep eating more and exercising less. And about all that exercise---my justification is that I get enough exercise at work to last me for awhile. I know that I need to recommit myself to a healthy life style. I am trying. Though the physical side is a very important aspect of our lives, the spiritual is much more. In Hebrews chapter 12, it says that we are to lay aside every weight and the sin that easily ensnares us. Then we can run with endurance the race that God sets before us. It would seem from those statements that we can't run with endurance until we have lost some weight. That makes sense. It is the same principle as in the physical world. My stamina is almost at zero if I have not done enough t