We Are Not Alone

I came across this picture taken a couple years ago. I wasn't even aware when I took it that my dog Ginger was looking out the window at the time. I should have known because she always watches for us when we are gone and keeps check on things as much as she can from the inside. Just seeing those two bright eyes from that dark window always gives me a chuckle.
But as I was looking at this picture recently I thought about the verse in the Bible that says the eyes of the Lord are upon us. In Psalms 34:15 it says that "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cry." This is very comforting to me especially during the day and hour that we are living in. It seems as if everything is being turned upside down and right is being called wrong. People are losing their way, are in confusion- even Christians.
We need to remember that the Lord knows it all. He sees what is happening and His eyes are on the righteous. He hears our cries for justice, for safety, for peace. He knows exactly what we are going through. Many good people have lost their jobs, their homes, their security, their families. Violence is getting worse and worse. In this city, there seems to be a shooting at least every day- sometimes several in one day. Crime, robbery, home invasions are on the up rise. It seems like everything is out of control. But God is aware and hears our cries. His eyes are upon the righteous.
The next verse in that chapter says that "the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth." If you ever had someone turn their face from you, it is a sign that they want nothing to do with you. It is as if they are saying, "The verdict is in and I am through with you." That is how it will be with the Lord. Right now it seems as though He is allowing the evil to persist to bring men's hearts to repentance. He always gives each and every individual a time to either repent or go on with their evil ways. But then, it will be over. Their time will be done, He will heed to the righteous' cries and avenge them.
It is important for Christians to remember at this time that we are not alone. The eyes of the Lord are upon us, He hears our cries, sees our trials and turmoils and will, in His time, make things right. As comforting as it was to see my dog's eyes looking out the window at me, how much more comfortable and peaceful it is to know that Jesus Christ sees my every move. He hears my every prayer and He knows my heart. Things may seem wrong right now. You may be going through a very difficult time. But remember that the "eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cry." You are not alone.


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