Under His Shadow

This sounds kind of ominous doesn't it? When we think of a shadow we immediately think of something eerie, frightful and possibly harmful. But as I was reading in the Psalms today I came across the mention of this shadow once again. Psalm 36:7 says, "How precious is Your loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings." (NKJV) There are other references to the shadow of His wings- Psalm 91:1- those who live in the secret place of the most High will live under the shadow of God; Psalm 17:8 says to hide me under the shadow of His wings, also Isaiah 49:2, Psalm 57:1 and Psalm 68:7.

When David wrote these words he was more than likely hiding from his enemy King Saul. He was trying to do the right thing and was constantly being pursued by this man. He was despised and rejected by the very man/friend who had tried to help him fight the giant Goliath. But Saul had turned on David because of a deep jealousy inside of him. So David was encouraging himself in the Lord by writing songs about and to God. He saw that the shadow of the Almighty was a good thing.

In the original, shadow comes from a word meaning shade or defense. It is a place of protection, a place of safety. I read a story once about how after a forest fire, fire fighters came upon a strange sight. They found the charred body of a bird. When they bumped it with their feet, out from under the bird came some baby birds. The mother had gathered her young under her wings to protect them from the fire. She paid the ultimate sacrifice for her young. She saved their lives through the fire by covering them with her wings. This is such a beautiful picture of what Christ has done for us!. But unlike the bird, Christ rose from the dead and is alive today!

When we abide under the shadow of His wings He keeps us safe. It is a place of refuge, a place of defense. Just like that mother bird, Christ takes us under His wings. The shadow doesn't mean something frightful, but a secret place, a place to hide during the times of adversity.It is also a place to find rest,comfort,encouragement and strength for every day. In this day that we are living, it seems like the world is spinning out of control. And I believe that it literally is. In Romans chapter 8 and verses 18 through 22 it speaks about how the earth is groaning and is in labor to bring forth the deliverance from the bondage of decay. The "natural" disasters that are taking place are not insignificant in God's plan. They are not just random acts. They are happening for a purpose-to cause people to repent and bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to bring about the full plan of God. Even the "man-made" disasters are all a part of God's plan. It is God's way of preparing mankind for His Coming! It is His way of bringing forth a revelation of Jesus Christ to the world. We MUST hide under His shadow! That is the only place that is safe. Isaiah 26:20 tells us to enter our "chambers" or prayer closet, or secret place with God- and hide until the indignation is over. That doesn't mean that we quit life and go hide in the hills somewhere and wait for Doomsday. It isn't just a onetime occurrence. It is a life time way of life. It is a lifestyle. It is a complete change brought about by His Spirit. To be hid with Christ in God means to give your life over to Him, commit your life to Him and live your life for Him. It is all about Him!

Under the shadow-- there is peace, rest, comfort, safety, provision, healing--- everything we would ever need is under the Shadow of the Almighty. There is no other place I would rather be. Safe in the arms of God.


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