Are You Glowing In The Dark?

After the last post the Lord opened more thoughts on this upward call from Philippians 3:12-14. I saw that how in 1 Peter 2:9 we are called out of darkness into His marvelous light to show forth the glory of the Lord. The only way we can do this is by staying in the Light.

I remember as a kid an item that my brothers and I would get, usually at our fair. It was either a cross or a picture of Christ surrounded by material that when you kept it in the light, it would glow in the dark. We used to see whose object would stay glowing the longest. The key was to keep it in the light for prolonged periods of time. I thought- YES- that is what God is requiring of us. We need to spend prolonged periods of time in His Light so that when darkness comes to us or those around us, we will glow in the dark.

How do we spend those times in His Light? What are some of the things that we can do so we absorb His Light in our lives so we can be shining examples of the Lord Jesus Christ to a dark world? We need to spend time reading His Word, the Holy Bible. Then we need to spend time in His Presence- in prayer, praise, intercession for others and seeking Him. Spending time in the Light is not something that we should pass by. It causes us to stay focused on the Lord even during our most difficult times. The Light that we store up (so to speak) will shine when the need arises.

It seems ironic that God would call us out of darkness into His marvelous Light- only to thrust us back into the darkness again. But it doesn't have anything to do with us. It is all about Him and His showing forth His Glory and Light through His people, the Church- us! He wants to show us off!

How many parents delight in showing off their children? We have no children, but we like to show off our Golden Retriever, Ginger. When new guests come to our home we show her off, show all the tricks that she can (and cannot) do. We show her off! We like to show off those things that are closest to our hearts. And that is exactly what God delights in doing-showing off His people. And the only way to do this is to put us to the test- allow us to go through some difficult time, some sickness, or some kind of trial or darkness. Then---all that time that we have spent in the Light- those hours, days and years that we have spent on our knees in prayer and intercession and in seeking Him- when nobody else saw what we were doing- all that time absorbing the Light--finally we are put to the test. We are thrust into the darkness of one kind of another, and believe me- sometimes we surprise even ourselves! We begin to shine! We begin to glow! Not of ourselves- it isn't us- it is the Light that we have absorbed during all those prolonged periods of time of being in the Light-His Light! God shows us off!!! Now that's exciting to me. I want God to be glorified in my life, through my life-so that I can shine in the darkness, glow in the dark and help someone else along the way experience that same Love and Light of Jesus Christ.

Another thought that came to me was that so many people have found themselves in the darkness without a light, without a candle. Things may have happened in their lives that put their light out. And for some reason or another they were unable or unwilling to go to the Light-Jesus Christ. When God thrusts His Light (His Church, His glowing saints) into the darkness, we are then able to bring them light. And it doesn't take a lot of light to lighten up a large room. My husband and I had the experience of going down into Mammoth Cave in Kentucky one time. When we got down there into a large room, they turned off the lights. We could see absolutely nothing! Then the guide lit a small lighter. Believe it or not- that little light lit up the entire room. There were probably close to a hundred people in the room. While the lights were off, you could not tell who was around you. but then, with just that tiny little light, the entire room was lit up and you could see everything and everybody.

God is calling us to be those Lights in a dark world. Many in darkness have lost their way and are waiting for our Light. They will not find it unless we are willing to spend time in the Light-Jesus Christ-to absorb His Light, His glory and His mercy so that when God thrusts us into the darkness, His Light will shine through us. It is essential for every Christian to spend time in His Word, prayer, praise and intercession and to be obedient to what He is asking of us. Then-when He is ready-in His time-He will thrust us into that darkness and we will shine with the Light of Jesus Christ-bringing Hope and Light to a world of darkness.

Do you want to glow in the dark? Do you want to shine in the darkness? Time is growing short. There may be dark days ahead for the world but as Christians we should not fear. We need to be ready for it- for ourselves and those around us. Spend prolonged periods of time in the Light of Jesus Christ sooner than you think- God will show you off as you light the way for others.


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