Keeping It Simple

A couple months ago I was asking the Lord why it seemed like things seemed so much more difficult at times than when I first got saved. Why aren't things as simple as they used to be? The answer He gave me was very interesting-just one word- "Barnacles". So I did some research. I found out some very interesting facts: barnacles are parasites that live off other creatures. They also can grow on inanimate objects such as boats. Many barnacles cause scars for years to come. They suck in the very flesh of the whale and zap it of its strength and speed. Those animals that stay in fresh water are less likely to acquire barnacles. With an object such as a boat, a layer of protective paint is required so that the barnacles won't attach to it.

Many of us in our Christian lives at one time or another have acquired "barnacles" in the spirit. Hebrews 12:1 states: "lay aside the weight which doth so easily ensnare us and run with endurance the race that is set before us." The weight spoken of here does not necessarily have to be sin. There are many "good" things that weigh us down but in the long run they end up being bad because they are not things the Lord has told us to carry. The runner has to dress light- the jockey must be small of stature-but many things in our life slow us down-like those barnacles. Many things zap the life and joy from us like those barnacles. They sap us of our strength, energy and joy. Sometimes those barnacles leave scars which take many years to heal. We carry burdens we are not meant to carry and we end up hurting ourselves and don't accomplish anything in the long run for the person or thing we are burdened for.
We need to stay in the fresh water of the Holy Spirit so that barnacles, those weights that so easily ensnare us, do not attach to us. Also that protective coating of the Holy Spirit will help keep them off. When they do attach, which can happen from time to time- with the Word of God, they can be scraped off our spiritual body. Also, through the grace and mercy of Christ, the scars will not slow us down!

Acts 27-- in this chapter, Paul as a prisoner was sailing to Rome. The were caught in a severe storm. Paul wasn't stressed about things- in fact-he was free to have an encounter with the angel of the God he served! Paul gave them the hope and the direction to survive the storm-(verses 13-26). How many encounters with the Lord have we missed because we were weighted down with burdens instead of what the Lord really wanted out of us!

All during this storm, the sailors were throwing overboard all those unnecessary things in order to survive the storm. We are in a storm and it is going to get worse! We need to throw overboard those unnecessary things. As stated in Hebrews 12- lay aside those weights that easily ensnare us!

In verse 31- Paul warned them that unless the men stayed in the boat they would not be saved. Verse 32-they cut away the ropes of the skiff and let it fall off. Imagine how those men felt seeing what they thought was their only means of survival- the life boat-being let go into the sea! We need to cut the ropes off of some our "life boats", our "survival tactics"- those things that we think we JUST HAVE TO HAVE! We can't live without them, we think. Those things we think we need to survive the storm. We all need our jobs- but if we think our jobs are going to save us- we're wrong- our IRA's, our stocks and bond- our "retirement savings"-these are all good- and if one has the means to set up these account- that's great! But what happens when we set our affections so dearly on them that we miss encounters with Jesus!

Keep it simple--we need to simplify our life. I heard about a statement made by a missionary from Africa- that person said, "we"- Americans- have NO TIME because we have SO MANY CHOICES!" Wow! How true- think of it- how much time do we spend deciding what we are going to wear-where we are going to eat-- what we are going to buy--what we are going to watch -5,000 channels on the TV and there still isn't anything to watch!

We need to keep things simple in our Christian walk--

*Downsize our Christian walk from the things that ensnare us and keep us from reaching our full potential with God.

*Cut the ropes off those "life boats"-those things which we think we have to have in order to survive.

*Remember those whales and the barnacles. Many barnacles cause scars for years to come. They suck in the very flesh of the whale and zap it of its strength and speed.

*Stay in the fresh water of the Holy Spirit so those barnacles don't attach to us and stay away from salty and murky water.

*Have that protective "coating"-the Holy Spirit-so that those barnacles won't attach themselves to us

*Examine our lives and get rid of those things which are not profitable to the kingdom of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1: "Therefore having these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."


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