To Be His Servant

Deuteronomy 15: 16,17—“And if it happens that he says to you, ‘I will not go away from you’ because he loves you and your house, since he prospers with you, then you shall take an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise." This was the law concerning bondservants. After they had served six years, in the seventh year they were allowed to go free. But if the servant chose to stay with his owner, the owner would take an awl and pierce his ear to the door as a sign of ownership.

God is calling His church to this place of service, of worship, of life. The thing here was that the servant had a choice. He was allowed to go free at this particular time. He did not have to stay with his master. But the servant desired to stay---- because 1)- he loved his master; 2) he loved his house; 3) he prospered with his master. That is just so neat--- the servant knew where he prospered. We know where we prosper- in God’s house! Some may say that God blesses them even when they are not serving Him. This may be true but it is a very dangerous position to be in. I would rather stay in His house--- His presence—because I love Him and His house (the Church)- I will prosper there- salvation, healing, redemption, forgiveness of sin, love, grace, mercy, and on and on the list goes! There is so much- more than we can imagine or think- He will do exceedingly abundantly above what we can imagine—for us!!!

A servant will bare a scar- the scar of the awl that is pierced through his ear. All servants bare scars- it is the mark of our identification in Christ. Each one has a different scar. No two are alike because each of us are individuals and God does different things with each servant. Sometimes there is pain in serving the Lord. But it is a different kind of pain than what the world knows. I have found the deepest pain is the pain of having friends and loved ones not follow in service to Christ. It could be the scars of misunderstandings, persecutions, intense trials, loss or illnesses. It could be any number of things. But through it all- a true servant will recognize the love of God through the pain. A true servant will not want to run away, but will continue on in his walk with the Lord. Because there is no other name but the name of Jesus. In His name only is salvation. He is the way, the truth and the life. In Him we prosper, not as the world prospers, but prosper in a rich, deep and satisfying relationship with Jesus Christ.


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