
Showing posts from July, 2011

That Secret Place

Recently I was doing a study on Elijah. I Kings 17:1-7 tells how that after he prophesied to King Ahab that there would be no rain or dew for three years- the Lord told him to go east and hide by the brook Cherith which flows into the river Jordan. There he was able to drink from the brook and he was fed by ravens. I looked up this word “Cherith”. The location was unknown. The word in the original means “to covenant, make a league” . The place was a hiding place for Elijah. It was a place where he could quench his thirst and satisfy his hunger. It was a place where he could make a covenant, a league with the Lord. I thought- how much we need those places in our lives. That “secret place”, that “hiding place” where our spiritual hunger and thirst is satisfied. Our prayer closet is that secret place. It is where we go to be alone with God. It is during those times of being shut in with God that He fills us with His spiritual manna and living water. How much we need this in these da

And You Thought You Had a Bad Day

 In continuing with the subject of integrity this bring us to the man Job. In one day Job had his 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys stolen and the servants that tended them were killed by raiders. His 7000 sheep and the servants that tended them were burned up and then worst of all, his 10 children were all killed by a violent storm! In all that it says that Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong. Then later Job was afflicted with terrible boils all over his body and his wife told him to curse God and die. But Job HELD FAST TO HIS INTEGRITY (2:3) In the end God restored all that he had lost- actually In some things He gave him twice as much as he had before. Whatever we go through, if we maintain our integrity before God and live righteously, God will bring us through the trial. In chapter 2:3- God told satan that Job "still holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without a cause." Our trials are not meant to destroy u


Psalms 15:1,2: "Lord, who may abide in your tabernacle: Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth from the heart." The word uprightly, according to Strong’s Concordance actually means integrity, truth, without blemish, without spot. Webster defines it as a “state or quality of being complete, undivided, unbroken, entirety.” A man’s word used to mean something. Just a handshake used to seal a deal. I remember as a young adult first out on my own. I needed tires for my car. I went to a business run by a man that my family had known for years and did a lot of business with him. When I saw the tires that I wanted and that I didn’t have enough money to pay for them at one time, I asked him if I could pay the rest later. He made a statement that really hit home. He told me that he had done enough business with my father that he knew that he could trust me too.I never forgot that. I knew my father was a man of his word.