A Calm and Quiet Soul-- Part 1

Psalms 131
Recently this little Psalm was brought to my attention. I say "little" but this Psalm packs a giant punch right in the middle of all the anxiousness and stress that is going on around us in the world today- and especially at this time of year. It only has three verses but I am going to break this up into two parts.

Verse 1: "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me."  NKJV

Wow! If we could just get that verse into our spirit and live by it, we would alleviate a lot of stress in our lives. We should not presume we are anything in God- high, exalted, lifted up and not compare ourselves with others. That is where a lot of unrest comes in. We tend to constantly compare ourselves with others. We even do it subconsciously! We need to know what God wants us to do- do it- and leave the others to God. This will chase away most of the stress, unrest and questions in our lives.

It isn’t that we are hiding our heads in the sand when it comes to the conditions of other souls or situations and circumstances in our own lives. Yes-we  need to pray for them, carry a burden for them but this word- Concern = to walk in – we allow it to take over our lives. Many of us are carrying burdens that God has never intended us to carry. Then we get stressed out, anxious, fearful- and we wonder why. I am reminded of the old song- "TAKE YOUR BURDENS TO THE LORD AND LEAVE THEM THERE". Most of the time we don’t leave them there. We feel a burden from the Lord and we get down and pray but when we get back up from our prayer we carry that burden with us. We carry them around with us, asking questions that have not answers- and we wonder why we don’t have peace! It’s OK that God knows some things that we don’t! Learn to live with the MYSTERIES of God. Some Christians drag their burdens around with them, weighing them down and they are not able to accomplish anything for God because they forgot to LEAVE their burdens with the Lord. He never intended us to carry that weight.

We worry about the state of the world, what's happening, what's going to happen- how does this all fit into the Word of God. We do need to be aware of what's going on so we can pray effectively, but some things we just have to leave in the hands of God. He DOES know some things that we don't. Don’t concern yourselves with things that are too profound or difficult to understand. Don’t walk in them; don't make them such a part of your life that you lose the peace of God.


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