Broken Bread

Luke 24: 30,31; 35, 36  "(30)Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. (31)Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him, and He vanished from their sight." "(35)Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, 'Peace to you'"

Jesus was risen from the dead. He was appearing to His disciples. It was after He broke the bread that their eyes were opened. We don't really get to know the Lord until He breaks the Bread of Life unto us- His Word. Then our eyes are open. The Bible isn't just some history book though it contains history. The New Testament isn't just about Christ and the disciples and the church. It is a LIVING Word. When we read this Word we should pray that our eyes are open to what the Lord is trying to reveal to us.

The Lord Himself had to be broken before He could be revealed. We have to be broken so the Lord and His Word can be revealed to us. When He breaks the Word for us, then He is revealed. To be broken means that our wills are broken. We have come to that place where we set our own will and plans aside and embrace the will and plan of God for our lives. To be broken means to be humbled, to bow down in our spirits to the Lord- to submit to Christ.

In verse 31- just then- He vanishes! He keeps us seeking after Him. How many times have you just had a glimpse of Him, then He seems to disappear?  Then in verse 35 and 36 as they were speaking about Him, He appeared in their midst. As we talk about and worship Christ, He will appear in our midst, in the middle of the tempest, our trials and storms- He comes and reveals Himself to us.


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