Remember All The Ways He Has Led

(This is a picture of the banner that was displayed on the wall of the church where Keith and I were married)

Deuteronomy 8:2: "And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not."

Today, April 17, 2012 marks an anniversary for me. 40 years ago I entered nursing school. Wow! 40 years! How much has happened since and how much happened to lead up to that decision. After giving my heart to Jesus Christ on February 10, 1971, I began a journey with the Lord. Shortly after that, I remember praying for three consecutive nights the same prayer- asking God what He wanted me to do with my life. I was totally open to His will. I had gone to college and was preparing to be an elementary teacher but had quit in the first semester in 1970. I had often thought of being a nurse during my years of growing up. So I was willing to either go back and finish my education for a school teacher or go into nursing, or even to the mission field. I was totally and completely open to His will. On the third night of praying that prayer, I "heard" the voice of the Lord telling me to "Go to nursing school". No, I didn't hear an audible voice- I don't think. But the words certainly rang loud and clear and with them a seed entered my heart. A confidence and boldness, purpose and direction entered my spirit. I was never more clear on what God wanted me to do than I was on that night.

This was only a part of my quest for God and His will for my life. Those words, "Go to nursing school" took me through that year- learning many things, doing many things I never thought I would be able to do. He gave me the strength and confidence I needed (being such an insecure and shy person). He also made a way financially to complete my training when finances got low in the middle of that year. He used nursing as a tool in fashioning my personality and character into how He wanted me to be. I discovered myself during that year and have been discovering myself ever since.

I remember praying for an elderly gentleman at his bedside. I carried my little white Nursing New Testament that the Gideons had handed out in class one day. I had a few occasions to use it. It was KNOWING God was leading me in that direction, KNOWING it was His will for me to do this that kept me going. I still remember taking care of a woman after surgery. She wasn't doing really well. We then went on Christmas break and when I returned I asked about her and they told me that she had passed away. Some how in my spirit I knew that before I asked. During that year I saw the birth of a baby, stood by the bedsides of children with terminal illnesses whom I knew would never see home again. I saw people get better and go home, and took care of elderly people who no longer knew their names or the names of their loved ones. I witnessed an autopsy- the final medical procedure a person can undergo.  It was hard but I knew God wanted me there. The follwoing year I got my first job in a hospital and worked in some form of the health field for the next 37 years. He was fashioning me, proving me, humbling me, testing me and maturing me into what He wanted me to be. Let me be the first to tell you, He is not finished with me yet. There are still many things He wants to accomplish in my life. There are still many times of testing and trials to go through. But through it all- God is with me and will take me through.

The picture at the top of this blog is the actual photograph of a banner that was displayed at the church where I first met my husband 23 years ago. That alone would take a book to include all the ways that God led me to that church and to meet my future husband. We did not have a "professional" photographer at our wedding and relied on the pictures of our friends and family. I don't know how many pictures we have of us  underneath this saying-- "Remember All The Ways He Has Led." The verse is from Deuteronomy- which is basically a book of remembrances. Moses was reminding the children of Israel of all the great and mighty things which the Lord had done for them. He also reminded them of the things they did to displease the Lord.

Many times Keith and I have seen those words and are reminded of all the ways He has led. Those words have  brought peace and comfort and new assurance during hard and difficult times and they have brought joy to our hearts during the good times. Just like the words God spoke to me over 40 years ago- "Go to nursing school"- carried me through, so these words- "Remember All the Ways He Has Led" reminds me of all the great things He has done in my life and in our marriage.

I think we all have an "invisible" sign over us that reads "Remember All the Ways He Has Led." Remember- it is good to remember where God brought us from- not that we stay in those memories or relive them- because God is The I AM- the God of today- the God of the LIVING- but it is good to remember from time to time the WAY that God has led us. It gives us hope and courage to face the future- whatever it holds. He has always been there and always will be when we put our lives into His hands and give Him full control.

Remember- if you have nothing good to remember- start now, like I did 41 years ago- and give your life to Jesus. Give Him complete control and He WILL speak to your heart, give you purpose and meaning to your life and then you too will have those words over you- "Remember All The Ways He Has Led".


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