Growing Fruit

Colossians 1:9,10 "For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;"

For several years I have daily prayed these verses plus verses 11 and 12. I am often reminded especially of verse 10- to walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him and to be fruitful in everything I do. He often reminds me that “It’s not the quantity of what I do each day but the quality”.  It isn’t how MUCH I get accomplished each day but the QUALITY of what I do- how effective is it, was it God’s will, is it being fruitful, productive, how do I treat people. I do realize sometimes we don’t know how fruitful our works or words are, but the Word of God does tell us that His Word will not return void. I can do a lot of things each day, but I must remember that it is not how MUCH I do but the QUALITY of what I do.

I quit my job in the health field in September of 2010. Having several health issues that were causing me a lot of physical pain, it was getting very difficult to continue working. The Lord had been dealing with me and my husband for some time before that, preparing me for the time when I would quit. I knew it was the Lord's will and His timing, but for several months after that, I felt guilty that I wasn't working a job. I felt like I wasn't "contributing" to anything or anyone. But He kept reminding me that the most important thing was that I was being obedient to what He had asked me to do. It allowed me to have more time in study of the Word and in prayer- which has always been my heart's desire.I have heard and still hear people say that one has to keep working a job to maintain their "quality of life". That may be true for some, but for me what defines my "quality of life" is whether or not I am being obedient to the Lord and my attitude towards Him and others. That is why He kept reminding me that it wasn't how much I got done in a day, whether or not I was working a job outside my home- but what really mattered was that I was doing the Lord's will. Doing His will is one of the most fulfilling things in life. It brings us peace and contentment and in that we need not listen to how others are trying to define us. But we must "be filled with the knowledge of His will" and then do it.

God reminded me it isn’t what we have- big or little, good or bad, but it is what’s inside of us- or WHO is inside of us! I once read an article stating 10 things that God doesn't ask us- one was- He won’t ask us what neighborhood we lived in, but how did we treat our neighbors. It isn’t what we have; it is what we do with what we have. Bringing it to my doorstep---My husband and I pastor a small church. We have prayed and prayed for increase, but it is slow in coming. Through much witnessing and inviting people to church, very few respond. He reminds me it isn’t the size of our church or the numbers- but how do we treat the few people that ARE there? Do we love them, pray for them, and take care of them? It isn’t the SMALLNESS of our church, our ministry, our calling- but the BIGNESS of our heart and what we do in our daily lives. Yes, we need to fulfill our calling, our ministry, but it isn’t the SIZE – it is the integrity, truth, and love in how we treat people and how we respond to God-- "being fruitful in every good work."

Do you think you are insignificant to the kingdom of God? Do you envy others' calling and ministry because they seem to get all the recognition and seem to be more anointed than you? Do you think you are not contributing because you aren't doing what other people think you should be doing? Do you think you have no "quality of life" because you aren't working some job? The real question is this-- are you doing what God has asked you to do?  What is your attitude towards God and people? Are you treating the people in your life with love and respect? Are you being faithful to your calling- however big or small?  Remember- there is no small calling in God- He is no respecter of persons.  God reminds us all- to be fruitful in EVERY good work- big or small-- seen or hidden--many or few. Do it all to the glory of God, do it with all your heart and you will walk worthy of the Lord and will be fruitful in whatever you do.


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