By God's Spirit

Zechariah 4:1-6
Zechariah 4:6 “So he answered and said to me: ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit’ says the Lord of hosts.”

The exiled Jews returned to their homeland in 536B.C. God gave the prophet Zechariah a series of eight visions to assure the people that He still loved and cared for them. Zerubbabel was one of the leaders that was helping the people to rebuild the altar and begin reconstruction on the temple. In chapter 4, verse 6, God is letting the people know that He was going to help them by the power of His spirit and not by their own power. The words "might" and "power" indicate human force and power, such as an army. It includes human accomplishment in obtaining goods. But God is letting His people know that the rebuilding of the altar and the temple, and facing the obstacles that they would face- was going to be accomplished by His Spirit.

I believe God is telling His people- the Church- today- the same thing. It is not through our own accomplishments and work, not through our recognition- no matter how big or small our church is- no matter how popular our church may be--but the "work" is going to be accomplished through His Spirit.
Too many Christians and churches are moving in their own might and power. It may work for awhile- but sooner or later- they will fall on their faces. It isn’t the seminars, our programs, and new ideas,  the conventions, the how to’s and where for’s but it is falling on our face before a Mighty God and receiving His Power to get the job done for His glory-not for our glory!

We aren’t going to get any power if we are not plugged in. We won’t get any power if we are not connected to the SOURCE-Jesus Christ!  In order to have electrical power in our homes we have to apply to the power company of that town or city. We have to pay a monthly bill. It costs something, but is worth it to have the power we need to live. It is the same in the Christian life—we need to apply for the power—ask-seek and knock- seek after the Lord. Even if we have been filled with the Spirit for many years, we still need a refreshing of that power daily. And we need to STAY connected through the Word, prayer, meditation and communion with the Lord. We cannot pressume God’s will. In Deut. 1:41-46-the Israelites repented and then tried to go up and fight and take the land but—vs.43- they rebelled and presumptuously went up- they went up willfully without the Spirit of the Lord. They went up in their own might and power.

I came across an interesting verse-Isaiah 50:11: "Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with sparks; walk in the light of your fire and in the sparks you have kindled- this you shall have from My hand: you shall lie down in torment.” Christians who walk in their own power- their own fame and recognition will eventually fail..  The verse says they will lie down in torment. When we do things in our own strength- we WILL FAIL. And God has a way of stripping us down. For example Gideon’s army was reduced from 32,000 to 300 men! There were too many men. God wanted to make sure He got the glory. There are many other incidents in the Bible that prove that God is requiring that He receive the glory not us.

It has to be by His Spirit. It is the only thing that will survive the coming storm. When we build on anything that we have done, it will crumble. When we walk "in the sparks that we have kindled"- we will have torment- trials and troubles. Deuteronomy 1:42-46 states how the people were going to go in to the promised land AFTER they disobeyed God and God said- NO! They had broken the connection and they became unplugged from the power source. They no longer had the power and approval of God. They were going to move on their own. They were already defeated.

We are already defeated when we think we can move without God. Our plans and programs may be very good- but if they are not what God wants at the time, we are moving without Him. It has to be by His Spirit. How do we know if we are moving in His Spirit or our own power and strength? We must stay connected to the Spirit through much prayer, meditation and study of the Word. Today is not like it was years ago, when a morning devotion and quick prayer got us through the day. No. We live in violent days. Evil is abounding more and more, darkness is over much of the earth. We must be watchful at all times. God is requiring His people to get and stay connected to His Spirit- "in Him we live and move and have our being". (Acts 17:28). We must realize and then live in the fact that we cannot accomplish one thing without His Spirit, His might and power.

Get in the Word. Study it, pray and pray some more. Get into a church that preaches the truth with power and anointing of the Holy Spirit- a church with a vision of what God is doing today. Then stay connected to the power source- Jesus Christ and you will see His mighty power at work.


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