Not My Will, But Thine

Recently my husband and I had the opportunity to attend a Regional Conference for Voice of the Martyrs. I had never been to one of their meetings and I really didn’t know what to expect, only that God was urging me to go. There was one particular speaker I was anticipating hearing, other than that I thought I would be bored with a whole lot of statistics and slides. But that was not the case.

We met and heard about people who truly had a passion for the Lord, a passion to follow Jesus wherever it leads. All during the day I felt the Lord dealing with me on things in my own life. No- He wasn’t calling us to a foreign country, but by the end of the day we were more determined than ever to do and live for God the way He wanted us to.

Both me and my husband came away very touched by God’s Spirit and more determined than ever to do His will, with His help. I was very inspired and challenged by the testimonies of those who have followed the Lord through fire and storm, and have come out on the other side victorious. But not taking anything away from their testimony—I realized more than ever that you don’t have to have your name in lights or have written books about your experience. All it takes is a willing heart to lay down your will for the Lord’s will—to lay down your life every day and live your life for the Lord every day- no matter what.

Look- we can’t all go overseas and be a great missionary. We won’t all go through some horrific thing in order to serve Him more. I admire those who have and gain a great deal from their testimonies. But--some of us- I dare say most of us- will lead very mundane and ho-hum lives. But it doesn’t mean that WE haven’t picked up our cross to follow Him where ever He leads as well. It doesn’t mean that He won’t say to US- “Well done thou good and faithful servant”. The Lord told us to " ...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) The way I see it is the "world" and "every creature" is where ever He sends us or keeps us. We must serve where He puts us. We must go to the lost and hurting-- -in our own home and relatives, across the street, across the aisle at work, or even in the next pew at church. Yes, many hurting people are sitting right next to us in church! Unbelievable but true.

All He is asking is that we pick up His cross and follow Him- that cross is not necessarily some affliction or trial—I believe it is simply laying aside our own wills and plans for our lives and picking up His will and plan for our lives. Christ suffered first in the Garden of Gethsemane. I believe this is where the real battle took place. That is where He gave His will over to the Father, when He said- “Not My will but Thine be done.” (Matthew 26:36-46.) We need to find out what God wants with our life and then do it with all our heart and strength with God’s enablement. We all won’t be known worldwide- but if we do what God has asked us to do- in our particular life- we will be known BY GOD- we will be known “heaven wide.” The angels and principalities and even Satan himself will stand up and take notice. And believe me- Satan WILL take notice of anyone who loses their life in this world, gives up their will and follows the will of God. And that is what counts. It doesn’t matter how many people know your name, what matters is that God knows your name and sees that you are doing what He has asked YOU to do- not what someone else is doing or even what someone else tells YOU to do. You must seek the Lord for yourself and find out what your place is in the body of Christ, and then with all God’s gifts, talents and enablement- you will be able to follow Him. HE will take notice and say: “Well done thou good and faithful servant…” Matthew 25:23.

Remember it isn’t WHAT we do—it is THAT we do---WHAT He asks.

Mark 14:36 “…nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.”


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