
Showing posts from August, 2012

Draw Near To God

Draw Near To God James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded” The word “draw” in this verse means to “prefer, to choose”. It is our choice to draw near to God or not. The book of James was written to Christians, and yet he is telling them to cleanse their hands and purify their hearts. The choice was up to them as it is also up to us. The book of the Song of Solomon is a beautiful illustration of a Christian’s progressive development in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We can stay where God found us in the first place. Or we can choose to go on in our walk, our relationship with the Lord. Song of Solomon- 1:4 “Draw me away! We will run after you. The king has brought me into his chambers…” The bride’s first response was to ask to be drawn away by the Beloved. Then she committed her entire being to Him. She made a covenant with Him that if He drew her, she would follow i