
Showing posts from December, 2012


Well, here I am- New Year's Eve. I needed to stop what I was doing  and write before it was 2013. I haven't written near what I had intended to this year. But that's how it goes. We get so busy with life we forget to stop and take time to reflect on that life we are living. I look back at 2012 with great thanksgiving to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There have been some valleys but also some mountaintops. There have many close calls but many more blessings! God has brought many that I know, friends and family members through illnesses, surgeries and cancer treatments. Some continue to fight these diseases and our prayers go with them. We saw the passing of  two aunts on my husband's side of the family. He has brought us safely through severe weather, drought, a Direcho that nearly devastated parts of Columbus and left many of us without power in over 100 degree weather for over a week.  But God is so faithful! We have all watched sadly as we have seen terrible thing


1 Kings 17:1-7 In these verses, the prophet Elijah prophesies a drought during the reign of King Ahab of Israel, the Northern Kingdom. The Lord then led him to a brook-- Cherith. The exact location of this brook is unknown. It was a  hiding place for Elijah. It was also  interesting to note that the meaning of this name is to cut or to covenant. In Genesis 15 we read about the first blood covenant that God made with Abraham. I like the word covenant. It means a cutting, a shedding of blood, the death of something. God's covenant with us involved the shedding of blood, the death of someone-- Jesus Christ. It took the death of Jesus to give us life! Think about it! In turn- we are to die to Christ! We don't literally die or shed blood, but our old life is dead and we are alive to Christ. Getting back to our "hiding place"~~ our hiding place is a covenant between us and God. We have ended our lives for the sake of establishing a new life in God through the blood o