
Showing posts from March, 2013


I frequently learn spiritual lessons from our 10 year old Golden Retriever Ginger. Recently my husband and I were getting ready go away for the weekend. Our dog loves to travel and even though she was only going to be dropped off at the kennel- still she DID NOT want to be left behind! The night before we started getting our suitcases ready and all the things we were taking with us. She always becomes so anxious when she sees all this activity going on. On the morning that we were leaving my husband was packing the car and Ginger was just beside herself. Every time I went upstairs to get something she followed me, panting and pacing. Every time my husband went outside she wanted outside with him. Then she wanted back in, just panting as only dogs can do- and pacing and being so anxious. You would think that after 10 years she would have learned that we have never left her alone while we have gone away. But she couldn't keep us out of her sight and she was pacing all over the plac