
Showing posts from May, 2013


I love nature- not only for the beauty and intrigue it brings but for the lessons we can learn from it. While Jesus walked among us, He taught us many spiritual lessons using nature and He is doing the same today- if we take the time to listen.   I recently bought some flowers to put into containers around our house. I had bought some petunias and re-potted them into hanging baskets. A couple days later while I was taking it off the hook to reposition it, the pot slipped from my hands and fell several feet to the sidewalk. I just stood there for a little bit looking at it- all the new potting soil I had placed under, around and above it was spread all over the sidewalk and the yard. And there was the original piece of sod with the four beautiful petunias just lying there. I had just been admiring how nice they were looking since being in their new pot, just before I left them fall to their possible death. I went off the porch, scooped up the petunias and the new soil, put them bac


John 10:1-11 I recall as a little girl in Sunday School seeing those beautiful and comforting pictures of Christ as the Shepherd with the sheep. It was always such a peaceful scene and I still enjoy the thought to this day. Jesus Christ- our Good Shepherd! What more could we want! If you have ever did any reading on the subject of shepherds you know that it is very interesting. I always picture the shepherd as the great defender of the sheep, warding off wild animals and making sure each and every sheep stayed safe. I have heard that at some point throughout each day, the shepherd spends some time with each individual sheep, looking it over to make sure it didn't have any pests that would cause disease and looking for bruises or anything that would cause harm to the sheep. I have read that he would anoint the sheep's head with oil, especially around the nose to keep parasites from entering into the sheep and causing disease and probably death. He carried a staff, a large rod


In John 15:1-8 - Jesus makes another of His "I am" statements. In verse 1 He states: "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser." Also He brings this out in verse 5: "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.   That word "abide" means to remain or stay in a certain place. We, as the branches, must remain-- abide- in the true vine- Jesus Christ- in order to survive. As long as we stay connected to the vine, we will flourish and be productive. But when a Christian decides to walk on his own, walk away from the Presence of God- eventually he or she will wither and die. How often have you seen a branch that was broken off a tree continue to have the leaves. But in time, those leaves will have to die because they are no longer receiving nourishment from the tree.    On the other hand- when we stay attached to the vine we will blossom and bear fruit. W