
Showing posts from June, 2013

The Commonplace Made Holy

Wherever we are or whatever we do can be made holy by the Presence of the Lord. Exodus 3 describes Moses' encounter with God in the burning bush. It was just a bush- but it was made holy by the burning fire of the Lord's Presence. Whatever we do- no matter how menial or mundane we may think it is- is made special and holy when it is dedicated to the Lord. Our lives, our bodies, our homes, our jobs-- all become a holy place when we dedicate them to the Lord and allow His Presence there. I worked for many years in the health care field and wondered sometimes what kind of difference I made. I wasn't doing anything special- it seemed to me. My last employment consisted of working with the elderly in a day care setting- tending to their physical needs. It was very hard work- physically and mentally- very draining. I would come home some days so very tired and wondered just what good I was doing. One day during worship in church we were singing a worship chorus about Holy H


When I was a young girl, I loved picture puzzles. My mother, brothers and I would spend many hours putting them together. As we dumped all the pieces on our large dining room table, mom taught us to find all the pieces that made the frame and put this together first. Then we turned each piece the right side up and found matching pieces and began to form the puzzle. This usually took several days to complete and hopefully no one needed the table before we were finished. We would look at each piece and try to identify where it went in the puzzle. What good would it have been, if after the frame was complete, we just admired each piece and tossed them back into the box? Our puzzle would have never been completed.   I was thinking about this recently and saw the frame as our foundation to our Christian life. We must have our foundation correct according to the Word of God. If not, the other pieces of our lives will never fit. To some people, the first few pieces go in quickly-- we sto