The Commonplace Made Holy

Wherever we are or whatever we do can be made holy by the Presence of the Lord. Exodus 3 describes Moses' encounter with God in the burning bush. It was just a bush- but it was made holy by the burning fire of the Lord's Presence. Whatever we do- no matter how menial or mundane we may think it is- is made special and holy when it is dedicated to the Lord. Our lives, our bodies, our homes, our jobs-- all become a holy place when we dedicate them to the Lord and allow His Presence there.
I worked for many years in the health care field and wondered sometimes what kind of difference I made. I wasn't doing anything special- it seemed to me. My last employment consisted of working with the elderly in a day care setting- tending to their physical needs. It was very hard work- physically and mentally- very draining. I would come home some days so very tired and wondered just what good I was doing. One day during worship in church we were singing a worship chorus about Holy Hands. The Lord made me to understand that because His Spirit lived inside of me, that my hands were holy hands. As I ministered to those dear people- many who no longer had a sharp mind, were confused and disoriented and didn't understand what I would say to them- as I ministered to their physical needs, God was using my hands to minister to their spiritual needs. My hands were holy because He is holy- and no matter how bad the day got- how hard the work was- how tired and drained I was- He could still minister to them through my common hands.
You see- it doesn't matter how low or menial your job may be or your life. It becomes special and holy when you allow God to be there! God told Peter in Acts 10-- "What God has cleansed you must not call common." God was talking to Peter about animals here and eventually showing Peter that He was no respecter of persons and the Gospel was going to given to the Gentiles. But it is the same today! If we are filled with His Spirit-our bodies become holy- separated to God- we are the temple for the Holy Spirit. Therefore- our lives and what we do and say- should be holy as well.
Wherever God has placed you in this life- rejoice in it- because it is a special and holy place because God is there! Nothing we do is common- it is all holy because He is holy.
Lord, help me to always remember that You are holy and You ask me to be holy as well. As I dedicate my life and everything I do to You, You cause the common everyday events to be holy because Your Presence is there. Thank You for Your Spirit Who lives and dwells in me. Amen.


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