From Perils To Pearls

2 Corinthians 11: 23-31
This morning I was reading this passage of scripture about all the things that the Apostle Paul went through and yet he could still praise the Lord for all His goodness. I thought about how much we can  learn during our times of difficulties and weaknesses if we go through them trusting and leaning on the Lord. I was reminded of the pearl of great price in Matthew 13:45-46. It is a parable about the kingdom of God and a merchant who was searching for beautiful pearls. When he found the pearl of great price he went and sold everything he had to purchase it. That great pearl was Jesus Christ. If we desire more out of our Christian life than the ordinary- we must be willing to search for it.
Many times it is through adversity and trials that we really find those pearls, those beautiful treasures from the Lord. When we let the Lord take over our attitudes during these times, when we focus on Christ and His will, we will come through on the other side of that difficulty with great treasures!
2 Corinthians 4: 7-11 tells us that we have the treasure of Jesus Christ working inside our earthly vessels. We may be sick or lonely, our finances may not be enough to meet our daily needs, we may be struggling with family relationships or any number of trials-but the life of Jesus is manifested through our lives during these times. It is possible to come through a very trying period in our lives and come out on the other side with great treasures! The greatest of these the knowledge of the Lord- not a head knowledge- but the intimate knowledge that brings us into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. We learn of His character and His love to name just a few. I spent many years alone- but during that time I dedicated myself to the Lord, allowed Him to work in my life through the loneliness and depression that would set in. Looking back now I wouldn't trade those years for anything- because as I delighted myself in the Lord He changed my desires into godly ones. And I came out on the other side with great treasures- the most important one being a closer relationship with the Lord. There have many other trials and conflicts I have faced over the years- and through them all- I can truly say- that when I allowed Him to have His way- I have always come out on the other side with pearls and gems- things I wouldn't have learned otherwise- and treasures that I wouldn't trade for the world and all its gold.
Are you going through a great peril now? Are you facing a sickness or difficulty? Put yourself in the hands of the Lord- allow Him to work through you during this time and you will come out on the other side with great treasures- the greatest of them being the knowledge of the Lord and a closer relationship with Him. Then you have the responsibility to share your treasures wit those around you who may be going through struggles of their own.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."


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