A Clear Sound

I Corinthians 14:7-12 "Musical instruments like the flute or harp produce sounds. If there is no difference in the notes, how can a person tell what tune is being played? For example, if the trumpet doesn't sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle? In the same way, if you don't speak in a way that can be understood, how will anyone know what you're saying? You will be talking into thin air. No matter how many different languages there are in the world, not one of them is without meaning. If I don't know what a language means, I will be a foreigner to the person who speaks it and that person will be a foreigner to me. In the same way, since you're eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in them so that you help the church grow."  (God's Word Translation)
These verses have to do with the gifts of the spirit. But the other day as I was decorating our house for Christmas, this verse came to mind. Many years ago my husband bought a set of chiming bells that hang on the Christmas tree. They play about 25 different songs. Each bell has a distinct note. We hadn't used them in several years because we misplaced the plug. Every year I would see them in the storage box and look inside but never went about getting them out. This year I thought I would just do it. So I got them out and Keith found a plug for them, and sure enough- they worked!
I decided to hang them on the garland on the stairway this year. I, of course, got all caught up in the moment, playing Christmas carols, putting the lights on the garland and finally hanging the bells. As I plugged them in and listened, I realized that they were not playing a "distinct" sound. Some of the notes were off, or just a dull clang instead of that beautiful note that goes with the rest of the song. So I went investigating each and every bell. I watched the little clapper that hangs down from each bell to find the culprit or culprits. I readjusted the bells and then they played beautifully- all in harmony- each making its own distinct sound, but each blending in with the others to make a beautiful song.
I realized that each bell hand to hang freely from the branch that it was tied it to. It couldn't be pushed up against the branch or the stair railing. Nothing could interfere with the bell making its beautiful clear sound. This is when the verse in 1 Corinthians came to my mind. Each of us has a beautiful and distinct sound that God has given us. We must be free in His Spirit to be able to produce this. We can't let the things of the world push against us to cause us to stop making the beautiful sound. We must be free from sin and earthly cares to allow that one note to come forth. And also- just one bell alone- makes only one note. It isn't very entertaining to just listen to the same note over and over again. It takes all the bells together- at specific times- to make that beautiful song--- together!
We all need each other. That is what the Church is all about- each individual- doing his or her specific part- that one note- and together we are a beautiful song to the world. Don't let the things of earth cover up or drown out your note. You may only have one note to play- but play it to your best ability- the ability that God gives you- do it to the utmost- and as part of the Church- you make that clear distinctive sound that brings life and salvation to many.
Lord, help each one of us to do our individual part- no matter how small or unknown it may seem- knowing that nothing is small in Your Kingdom. As we all join together may our song bring love and deliverance to many. In Christ's lovely name,


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