Emmanuel - God With Us!

Matthew 1:23 "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, God with us."
This past Christmas season God kept driving this point home to me-- Emmanuel = God with us. It isn't something I had never seen or realized before, but the fact of God's desire and love towards sinful mankind- so much love in fact, that He would send His Son, His Only Son, Jesus Christ into a dark and sinful world to bring us to a place of light and righteousness!
He brought this home to me even more in the blessing of His Presence. I think this Christmas season was the most peaceful and joyful that I have had in many years. It wasn't so much in what I was doing, but in what was God was doing inside of me. The revelation of God with us continued to flood over my soul and I enjoyed His presence throughout the days. And it continues on even into the New Year.
God with us! It isn't just a phrase- it is a fact and one to look into, seek after and acquire for our individual lives. The glitter and the hustle and bustle of the holidays have past. I am sure many of us had plans and activities that we weren't able to fit into the season. I am sure difficulties, illnesses, stress and many other things arose during the season. To some- the "let down" becomes great and many may fall into depression as the bills come in and the realization that we didn't need to buy all those things or do all that stuff. But- it is a fact- if we realize it and reach for it- that God is STILL with us! For those who have been born again and have His Spirit living inside of us-- He NEVER goes away!
John 14 talks about "Our Father's House". It isn't a place prepared for us in some sweet by and by. No- it is a place that God prepared for us for now-- when He sent His Spirit back to live inside of believers. We are His temple and we house His Spirit! He is still with us! Emmanuel = God with us! To think that He sent His Son into a stinking barn right in the middle of stinking humanity! But, knowing it or not- humanity needed Him and humanity still needs Him today- and He is still coming to stinking barns around the world today- as our Savior and Lord! Emmanuel = God with us!
In Luke 17: 21 Christ was saying that the Kingdom of God was among them- meaning Christ Himself. Now Galatians 2:20 states "Christ lives in me".  Emmanuel- God with us. Ask God to reveal this deeply to your spirit. There is so much more to be revealed in these days and we need to be seeking the Lord with our whole heart in order to receive a fuller and deeper revelation of Christ Himself.
Dear Lord, as we enter into this new year, may it be one in which each one of us are truly seeking your Presence and experiencing what You really meant by "life more abundantly". It  isn't in the accumulation of material things or worldly knowledge, but it is in truly experiencing the fullness of God.  Amen.


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