God's Instruments

"But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you-from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted."

1 Peter 2:9 (The Message Bible)

Webster defines "instrument" as "2. A tool; utensil; implement." (1).  An instrument doesn't do any good unless it is picked up and used. My garden will not get dug, watered or weeded as long as the tools are still in the shed. The violin or piano can make no beautiful music on their own. It has to be used by someone. I was reminded recently how we, as children of the living God are His instruments--His tools to get the job done. The work of the kingdom will never get done unless we- his instruments- allow Him to use us in the way that He desires. If we don't allow ourselves to be used by God- can we really call ourselves a servant- an instrument of His love and power?

Over a year ago I was praying about doing some volunteer work. Since retiring from nursing I found myself still having that desire to do something in the health care field. I was lead to a senior independent/assisted living/health care facility. My niche in my last years of nursing was to the elderly. Though very difficult work physically I always received great spiritual rewards ministering to these dear folks. So it was easy to respond to the call when the Volunteer Coordinator recommended a position on the Health Care floor. Once a week I go there and my job is to fill a cart with refreshments- juices, soda, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc. and offer these to the residents. Many need assistance. It takes a little time. It is called the Sunshine Cart and the volunteers who do this are known as the Sunshine Ladies. We even get to wear a bright gold apron and bring sunshine to these people. We are EXPECTED to visit with them, encourage them, minister to their physical as well as spiritual needs.

 For many, it is their last stop before eternity. Many have lost the ability to communicate and many have no idea of their surroundings or their family. My prayer has always been that God would use me to impart His Spirit to these people. As I offer them a drink, as I touch them, talk with them, give them a smile, I am constantly praying that they will feel God's Spirit and for many it may be the last time. God has a way of dealing with man's heart, even though that man or woman may not be able to respond verbally. He has a divine way of bypassing the intellect and going right to the heart of a person. I go there each time, believing that I will touch someone that day and that he or she will be encouraged, uplifted or even convicted if necessary. Many times I have been led to pray openly for them, but most of the time it is just a quiet conversation between God and me for that soul. Sometimes I see a response, sometimes I don't. It is between them and God.

I always come home so "drained" and tired and at first I couldn't figure it out. I am only there about 2 hours and it is a very easy task. I enjoy it a lot. There are some who can hold on a conversation with me. Some are on that floor for rehab and will eventually go back to their apartments on the complex. But for the most part- for most of them- this is their last home before eternity. I began to realize that the "draining" that I feel is God's Spirit flowing through me to them. As I go filled up- they drain it from me. Then I must fill up again. I have just a tiny understanding of what Jesus felt when He ministered to the multitudes. Oh, how drained He must have felt at times- how tired! That is why we find Him so often, aside, alone- in prayer with His Father- being filled back up again.

If we are to be instruments for God, His servants, His vessels- we must first be filled with His Spirit and then allow that Spirit to be imparted to those He sends us to. The other day I came home so tired but realizing that they were pulling His Spirit from me, more than usual. Maybe not with words- but God's Spirit was reaching their spirits. As much as possible I look straight into their eyes when I speak and pray with them. One man, the other day- his eyes were so penetrating. I still see them now. I pray that he saw Christ and not just a woman with a bright gold apron. I feel "compelled" to pray for them, read to them and hopefully direct them to the One Who can make the difference in their eternity. This is a very humbling experience and I am even having difficulty putting all this into words. But all of us, as Christians, have the mandate to be His instruments, His tools, His means of getting the job done. Not all of us are eloquent speakers, teachers or preachers. But as we yield ourselves over to Him, He will show us just what He expects from each one of us. Some are quietly imparting His Spirit, others may be more public. It doesn't matter as long as we allow His Spirit to flow through us and then continue to be filled so that we can give out more and more.

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."
2 Corinthians 4:7

Christ "made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."
Philippians 2:7,8

(1) Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Fifth Edition; G. & C. MERRIAM CO., PUBLISHERS; SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U.S.A. 1940


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