Our Strength Is In God

1 Samuel 30:6: "Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God."

David had been through a lot up to this point. King Saul was trying to kill him.David ended up in the wilderness running and hiding from Saul, even though David had been anointed as king by Samuel. He had allied himself with the Philistines and while he was away from his home, invaders came and burned the city and took all the women and children, including David's wives. Then the people turned on him and wanted to stone him. "But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God."

Other versions render "strengthened" as "encouraged" but really "strengthened" is a much more accurate word. It comes from the original which means to "fasten upon"; "fortify"; "to bind"; "cleave"; "be established." I really like this because it gives us a picture of what happens when we go to the Lord in prayer when we are in distress. We are bound together with God. We are made one with Him. It isn't just a pat on the back and He sends us on our way. No- it's so much more. Any time we go to the Lord, we are bound together with Him, when our wills become one.

The other key here is that David strengthened "himself" in the Lord. He didn't wait for others to come and encourage him. He went straight to the One that he knew would give him hope, strength and courage. Many times God leaves us alone- with no friends to give us an encouraging word. This is because God wants us to come to Him first.

Are you going through some difficulty and you find yourself alone?  There may be no one on your side and you feel like everyone has turned against you? This is the time to go to the Lord, be strengthened by God. Remember that the word means to bind, fasten and cleave. When we go from our place of prayer, we go with God- He has established and fortified us for the trial and gives us direction. We must know in our heart what God would have us do during our times of great difficulty.

"God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble"
Psalm 46:1

Dear Lord, help me to remember that my help comes from You and that during my times of crying out to You that You bind Yourself to me; we are fastened together- and that I can go forth victorious in Your name. Amen.


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