Refocus--Re-establishing Our Landmark

Col 3:1, 3 (Gods Word) “Since you were brought back to life with Christ, focus on the things that are above—where Christ holds the highest position. Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things. You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God

Recently my husband bought me a new camera. I was used to the point and click digital with limited zoom lens. I did get a lot of use and enjoyment out of that camera but was ready to move on to something with a little more zoom potential. So, off we go into the woods to experiment with my new camera. Since it was towards the end of winter and very early spring, I soon found out there wasn’t much to practice on but birds. Nothing wrong with birds- and it did give me great opportunity to try out the zoom lens. My husband commented that I had chosen the hardest thing to take pictures of- birds in trees. You have to deal with all the bare branches that normally are around a bird perched in the tree. But I tried and did become quite successful at it, if I must say so myself.
The biggest challenge that I found was when I spotted a bird, high in a tree, or at a distance, trying to keep the bird in focus was very difficult, especially at a very long range. I would have to zoom back out and find my landmark again. I learned to fix my sight on a landmark first—usually something unusual looking at the bottom of the tree or in the near vicinity. When I would focus on the landmark, all I needed to do was move my camera up from that ‘landmark’ and then find the bird and zoom in. The higher and further the zoom, I found out, the more my camera would shake and move and I would lose my focus. Everything became very blurry and out of focus. When I would lose my focus, I would zoom back out again and find my landmark.
I began to see a spiritual application to my experiences in all this. If we focus too much on things around us, or try to “zoom” in on things in our lives- or things in the future--the “picture” becomes out of focus, blurry, shaky and we lose our “landmark”- Jesus Christ. When we stay focused on Christ- the other things around us become sharper and clearer to us.
There are many things going on in the world today-and we don’t even have to go there- there are many things going on in “our” part of the world today- our lives, the lives of our families and friends: sickness, death, loss of jobs, homes and health, bad economy—the increase in violence all around us. I live in a city where there is almost at least one homicide a day! Home invasions, robbery, and violent crimes have escalated over the past couple years. It is quickly spreading. The Word tells us that in the last days that violence and lawlessness would increase. (Matthew 24:12; 2 Peter 3:1-7)  We can’t focus on the things that are happening around us, but we must focus on Jesus. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be prepared for the future, shouldn’t pray for or be concerned. But the way to properly handle what is going on around us is to stay focused on Jesus Christ. 
Have you lost your focus? Have you lost your landmark? Are you like me with my camera- zooming in too much on things and finding out that everything is becoming blurry and out of focus? It is time for all of to refocus on Jesus Christ. The Word tells us that these things are going to happen in the last days, but we must not be full of fear- we must be full of faith- and the only way that we can do this is to stay focused on Jesus Christ and stay focused on our “landmark”- to walk in the victory that Christ has already given us, to allow Christ to transform us into His image, to lead as many to Christ as are willing, to live a life full of prayer and devotion in order to advance the kingdom of Christ. Let’s get our focus on what really matters: Jesus Christ!

 Psalm 57:7- “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.”  (KJV)

Dear Lord, Help me to remember to stay focused on You and to keep in mind that I am more than conqueror through You who loves me. Though the waves may be high and boisterous all around me, may my eyes be fixed upon You.
In Christ's Name- Amen


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