Journeys In Grace

The other day as I was reading in Acts something neat happened. As I read a subtitle for a chapter, my eyes did one of those tricks that happen from time to time. The subtitle was “Journeys in Greece” but my eyes read it as “Journeys in Grace”. I chuckled to myself but I thought-how neat—Journeys in Grace. Our Christian walk truly is a Journey in Grace.
From the very first moment we are born again through the blood of Jesus Christ and every day thereafter, it is a journey of grace. As I look back at my 40+ years of serving the Lord, I can say it has been a journey in His grace. I haven‘t always made the right choices. I have done some pretty stupid things at times, but as I obeyed the Spirit’s leading, I was lead back to the right path. There are many, many verses about grace but one of my favorites is 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul is saying: “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” Paul was going through some kind of ordeal here. We aren’t exactly sure what it was- Paul doesn’t say- but he came to this conclusion—that God’s grace was sufficient- more than enough—for him. God’s grace is more than enough for all of us. When we realize it was His grace in the first place that brought about the plan of salvation for those who would receive—and it’s this grace that continues to help whatever situation we find ourselves in.
Another verse about grace that I really love is James 4:6- “But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:’ God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’” As we continually humble ourselves before God he continually allows that grace to flow freely to us- in all areas of our lives. We should be thankful every day that we are recipients of His great grace.
Yes, my life is a journey in grace. Everything I am or hope to be is embedded with this grace. It is the bedrock of what I believe to be true. We may not always make the right decisions. We may make mistakes- but this grace will always lead us back to our true source- Jesus Christ- if we allow it. I see many Christians today who frustrate the grace of God. They think that just because His grace is flowing- that they can just live like they please. But there is another side to this grace. We must not take it for granted. We must not tempt God with even the slightest known sin. If He has said that something is sin- we should run the other direction. Just because His grace is sufficient- doesn’t mean that we can live as we please. A true understanding of God's grace and His nature and character will cause us to flee from sin, repent if we have sinned and return to living a holy and righteous life.
Journeys in grace. I like that. It makes me realize that God’s grace has affected every area of my life. It will always bring me back to Him if I stray. One more scripture: 2 Peter 3:18- “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” It is essential to our walk with Christ that we grow in His grace and in the knowledge of Him- not just head knowledge--- but an intimate knowledge- a personal relationship with the One who bestowed all this grace upon us in the first place. Have a great journey in grace!
Dear Lord--As we continue our journey in grace, it is my prayer that we all will continue to grow in His grace, to realize that it is more than enough to live a full and righteous life in Him- whatever is happening to or around us. As we humble ourselves before You, continue to lavish us with your grace. Amen


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