
Showing posts from June, 2014

Blessings in Your Valley of Weeping

Psalm 84  This psalm is about David's thoughts and desires to be in the "house of the Lord". It is a beautiful description of how he longs for, faints and cries out for the "living God". At this time he was hiding from Absalom and wasn't able to get to the "house of the Lord". In verse 5 he describes how blessed is the person who finds his strength in God and has his heart "set on pilgrimage". In that time and that area- the way to Jerusalem could be very dangerous. They had to pass through the Valley of Baca which means “weeping”. They had to travel through rough and dry land but because of their desire to go to “the house of the Lord” the way became a spring with many blessings. The word “pools” in verse 6 is rendered “blessings”. Baca was a type of balsam plant that can survive in very dry conditions . “The tree is called a weeper, probably because it exudes tears of gum. There is no trace of a real tree with the name. Th