
Showing posts from November, 2014

Don't Be Overcome

Romans 12:21  "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." With all of the injustices that are taking place throughout the world today, the Lord reminded me of this verse. The word overcome originally means to have the victory over something.  It is easy to let all the evil that is taking place overwhelm us to such a point that we are not effective Christians. We can become so burdened down with all that is taking place that we aren't able to pray or intercede. We may think that things are never going to change and that Christians are not going to be vindicated. But the Word says that "vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord" ( Romans 12:19 ) We must not give in, be overwhelmed, depressed or dysfunctional-- but overcome evil by the goodness of God.  We can overcome evil, overcome the burden and overcome the state of being ineffective by influencing the environment around us. For example, our neighborhood, our families and our co-