One Well

John 4:13-14
13 Jesus answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." 

These scriptures are part of the story about Jesus and the woman at the well. She had drank from many wells in her life- but never from the ONE WELL that would give her eternal life. Jesus offers us the living water which is all we need.

People walk by the well of living water every day! They pass it up for something more convenient, on the go, quicker. There is only one well that we should be drinking from. The world and Satan offers many different kinds of wells but this water only leads to devastation- naturally and spiritually.  This water is always before us in many different forms- and it is so quick and easy- just pick up your bottled water on the go! No need to stop and take time from your busy schedule! But to drink from that living well may take a little bit of effort, a little bit of time. You may have to lower your bucket into the well of living water by spending some time in prayer and reading of His Word. You might have to pass up the easy, on the go water that Satan tempts you with. One thing about going to the well of living water-- you won't have to fight the crowds! It doesn't matter how many people are there drinking from this well- there is always room for you!

What am I saying here? Jesus is the Living Water and those that take the time to drink from His well will have everlasting life and in this life- life more abundantly.  There are many kinds of wells that the world offers- the well of bitterness-- Exodus 15:22-25; the well of contention and strife- Exodus 17:1-7;  the well of sensuality- Numbers 11:1-6. We are going to look into these and others   more deeply later. But for now- I ask you a couple questions-- where does your soul live? What kind of water are you drinking? Do you know the Creator of this living water I am speaking about? Only you can answer that question honestly.

There is only well that we should be drinking from and His name is Jesus Christ!


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