Bringing Everything Into His Light

John 8:12 " Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, 'I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.'"
Ephesians 5:8 "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of the light;"
Ephesians 5: 13,14 "But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light; for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, 'Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."

The Bible speaks much about "light'. Christ is known as the "light of the world". Christians are called "children of the light". We, as Christians, need to bring everything into the light of Christ. Bring them out of the shadows and expose them to the light. All of our situations, emotions, thoughts and/or conflicts. Don't you just love the first morning light? It signifies the end of the dark night and heralds in the start of a new day. Start your day by bringing yourself into His Light. Continue your day by bringing everything into His glorious light and end your day by bringing all your mistakes into the light. Even during the night, His glory still shines bright.

Years ago I was tormented with a lot of negative and dark feelings. When I first married, my husband would always know when I was struggling with these feelings and he would encourage me to voice them to him and then we would pray about it. Those feelings always left after that. And the more I brought them into the light of the Lord, the fewer I would have. You see, Satan loves the darkness. And if he can get you to stay in the dark he has won. Because we can't be victorious unless we are walking in the light. Now I am not saying you have to "confess" everything to just anyone. If you have a trusted friend whom you know will help pray with you that's great. But if not-- bring these things out into the open with your heavenly Father. Normally those suspicions, feelings of anger or resentment, or any such thing will flee when you bring them into the light of Jesus Christ.

While you are reading the Word, you need to allow the light of Christ to shine upon it, pray for your mind to receive enlightenment, (Ephesians1:18) and you will be surprised how much the Word will open up to you. When you come across a new doctrine, teaching, prophecy, move of God-- bring it into the light of Christ. And it must line up  with the Word of God. There is a lot lurking in the shadows. On the surface these "new" movements of God, prophecies or doctrine look good and tickle our fancy. But beware- it could be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Be sure to bathe everything that you take into your spirit with prayer. God will enlighten our spirits to those things that are false. We also need to pray and receive the gift of discernment, especially in these days. So much is out there, and if you're not careful you will fall prey to Satan's tactics.

You see,the glory of Christ is so powerful, so illuminating and magnifying that it will quickly show up any flaw, right any wrong, heal any disease and comfort any grief. Bring everything that affects you into His marvelous light. When we allow ourselves to stay in the light of His glory, we find peace, rest and safety. And we will be victorious in the battle. Remember that Jesus Christ is the light and glory of God and is powerful and all consuming.

1 Thessalonians 5:5 "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of darkness."

"Walk in the light as He is in the light-.." 1 John 1:7


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