
Showing posts from November, 2015

Bloom Where You Find Yourself

John 11:25 "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." A few weeks ago I spotted a Gerber Daisy plant growing between our sidewalk and the ally. It was not in the spot where I had planted it. Yet, there it was blooming, its golden petals and dark brown center lifted up towards the heavens as a testament to what God can do with something even after it has been uprooted and tossed to the side. I realized that sometime in late summer, I thought the plant was dead. It had stopped blooming and its leaves were all dry and shriveled up. So as I do with dead plants, I pulled it up and gave it toss towards the ally. Evidently, it never made it to the hard surface of the alley but ended up in a very small grassy area. When I saw that flower just blooming its little heart out- I thought: "Wow! What a life lesson to be learned here! This daisy bloomed where it was tossed away!  Proof that what G

What's Stopping You?

Acts 8:26-38 In this text, Phillip was testifying to an Ethiopian eunuch about Jesus Christ. As they came upon some water the eunuch asked Phillip- What's hindering me from being baptized? Phillip responded by saying that if he believed Jesus Christ with all his heart, then he could be baptized. The eunuch responded in the affirmative and was baptized. I am not speaking about baptism today, although I believe every believer must be. But my question today is this: What's hindering you? What's stopping you? What's preventing you from being all that God has designed you to be. I am referring to the mindset that many Christians find themselves in- a general way of thinking that prevents them from being all that God intended them to be. The word hindered means to prevent or forbid, to deny or refuse someone from a certain thing. Some of the synonyms are: manacle, obstruct, shackle, handcuff, inhibit. So many Christians live beneath their privileges and responsibi