
Well, here we are at the end of another year. Reflecting on all that God has done for me, my family and our church I can't help but praise Him! I serve an awesome God! He has brought me and some family members through some physical afflictions, even creating a miracle in my husband's back. He brought me through what seemed like a heart attack to find out that my heart is in perfect condition. He is delivering me from severe gastric reflux. He has delivered and is delivering us from too many things to mention. And then there are all the times that He has protected and provided for us when we weren't even aware of it.

There have been many things we have prayed for but we have not seen the answer yet. Many still need deliverance,  healing, provisions and many things from the Lord. But we do not lose heart. The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much and we continue to walk in His righteousness and pray out for deliverance for others. God hears each and every prayer. In His time He will answer. We have missed the mark many times but God is always faithful to bring us back on target.

I certainly am not where I want or need to be, but when I look back I see how far He has brought me. I praise Him for that because I know that it is God. So many times He meets us in our services with His awesome Presence. At times He just seems to hover over us, making us aware of how present He really is. We are expecting even greater manifestations of His Presence to come in the new year. There is no end, no length, depth or height to all that He has planned for those who desire Him, those who count this world and its earthly goods and passions as nothing. 

The Lord has given me a verse to take into the new year: Philippians 3:12-14-- "Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

May we be encouraged as we enter into this new year. God is in control- so let's give Him control- starting with our own lives. He knows the end from the beginning, because He is the end and the beginning- the Alpha and the Omega- Almighty God! Nothing took Him by surprise this year and nothing will take Him by surprise next year. His mercy endures forever and He is allowing time for the world to repent. Take heart- do not become weary in well doing- knowing that our Father knows it all already. Be of good courage and enter 2016 will bold confidence and faith-- the kind that will move mountains and part seas!! God bless you as you endeavor to continue following the Lord!


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