
Showing posts from 2016

My Burden is Light

The sun is beginning to break through as I write this but this morning we had a steady light rain. It really was a wonderful feeling. I opened up windows and let the fresh cool air come in the stuffy house. I have been busy doing things here as I was out of commission last week with the first of cataract surgeries. So I was a little behind on my housework. But with the cool breeze and the sight and sound of the light rain outside, I went about my duties with a new strength and outlook. The hot humid weather we have been experiencing out here in the Midwest appears to be broken, praise the Lord! It was a scorcher for sure. It is so nice now to see the starting of the changing leaves and feel the briskness in the air. This morning also, I was experiencing kind of the same thing in my spirit. A new, fresh anointing, receiving the light rains and cool breezes of His Spirit into my parched and dry spirit. Just like our ground that had suffered so this summer needs the refreshing of t

Get Rid of the Old-Make Room for the New

Recently I have been going through closets, storage cabinets, nooks and crannies, getting rid of things I no longer need. I have especially been getting rid of things from the past, things I have held onto for no reason and that no longer serve a purpose. I tend to hold onto things thinking that "someday" I may use that. But "someday" never comes and what happens is my house ends up cluttered with "someday" things and I can't enjoy the "today" things. I have also been taking my old photographs and scanning them onto my computer to put onto CD's for posterity. I have actually cleaned out an entire storage cabinet filled with photo albums.When I was younger I used to take pictures all the time of my niece and nephews and the rest of the family. I found out many years later that they called me "the camera woman". I had so many photographs in albums that I bought a storage cabinet just for those. One day as I was coming back