Calling All Eagles!

Isaiah 40:31:” But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

This is a very familiar verse to most of us and very often quoted. Just about everyone you ask will say that they admire the eagle. It is a regal sort of bird- a proud bird. Our country uses it as a symbol of strength, power and pride. I recently looked up a few things about eagles and found some very interesting facts. They mate for life; they nest in tall trees and high cliffs, far away from potential enemies. They like those tall mature trees to perch in- that way they have a wide view of their surroundings and any possible dangers.  They are also powerful fliers due to their large wing span.  But one particular fact really caught my attention. They have extremely powerful eyesight. Their vision is amazing! It is more than four times sharper than any human. They can spot potential danger and food from quite a long distance away.  Their retinas have more light-detecting cells than humans have. This increases their ability to see fine details. They also have structures in the backs of their eyes that “detects light from the center of our (their) visual field.” [1] (Italics mine)

I found this fact about their vision to be very interesting in parallel with our spiritual eyes. We need to be able to detect light spiritually. Psalm 119:130 tells us that the “entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple.”  We need the Word of God- the Living Word- in order to bring light into our spiritual man. That light with the Word gives us wisdom and understanding. In Ephesians 1:18- Paul prayed for the Ephesian Church that their “eyes of understanding being enlightened” so that they would know the hope of Christ’s calling and the riches of the glory of their inheritance. We need to pray for this kind of vision- the vision that scopes out over the land- our life- and can see the way that God has prepared. We need those spiritual eyes, wisdom and discernment, especially in these last days. We need to avoid all distractions and only focus on what He wants us to focus on. And just like that eagle that can see potential danger from great distances, so we will be able to “see” the enemy before he gets to our door- and—we’ll be able to send him back where he came from!

The verse in Isaiah 40 tells us that when we wait upon the Lord, when we allow Him to have His way in our lives- that our strength is renewed and that we can soar above the problems that we face. Our problems don’t have to be our demise. We can overcome. He tells us that we are “more than conquerors” through Christ who loves us.  (Romans 8:37). The eagle breaks the wind resistance when he soars high and we can do the same thing- through Christ. Zechariah 4:6 tells us that it is “’not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit’ says the Lord of hosts.” This means it is not by our own strength, but by the Lord’s strength and power that we can rise above our circumstances.

 Aim high in your Christian walk! There is no need to grovel in the dirt when we can soar above the wind. The air is fresher up there, we can see more clearly and hear more distinctly. Rise up! Look up! Get your eyes off your problems and get them focused on the One who can solve those problems. Be an eagle! Rise up! Wait on the Lord and get your strength renewed and rise up!!




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