Arise. Shine!

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3  (NASB)

We have a pear tree on the bank at the front of our house. Every spring it never fails to amaze me by its beauty and reminds me of the beauty and grace of God. This spring was no exception. The blossoms are as white and fragrant as ever and it stands so tall and erect- like a century looking out over our neighborhood.

The other day as I was praying for the Church, I just kept seeing that beautiful pear tree in my mind. It was like God was saying that this is how the Church is going to be. Although we did not have a hard winter, other winters have been very hard- but still, come its season- the blossoms began to come forth and suddenly, almost overnight, it stands in full array of the splendor of God. He was showing me that even though the Church may be going through a season of hard winter, no signs of quality fruit, no displays of the glory of God—but in its season—the Church will come forth.

The verse here in Isaiah says- “Arise, shine. For your light has come! The glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” It originally was written for a time in Israel’s history but is true for the Church today. In its season- at the time that God ordains—the Church will display the glory of God in full splendor. It won’t be something that has to be whipped up. Because of the prayers of the body of Christ it will just happen in God’s time. Like our beautiful pear tree- it will blossom and show forth the splendor of God. It will burst through the harsh, barren and dry winter- and will stand like a century overlooking the nations. Oh to be a part of that! Oh to see that!

Over the past year or so, our Church has increased its prayers and intercessions. But we have not seen the results that we would like to see. Recently the Lord brought prophecy to our Church that we were to not grow weary in well doing. God had been bringing some seemingly impossible situations to our attention for prayer and intercession. And He said there would be even more.  He encouraged us to continue on and that He would bring the fruit. We must continue on even during the dry spells, during the harsh winters, during the barren times. It stretches and increases our faith.

The other thing about this pear tree. The other day we had very strong winds go through. I stood at the front door and watched how the top branches of the tree swung back and forth with the wind. But the branches closer to the bottom of the sturdy trunk never budged. We have to stay anchored to the trunk- to the root- Jesus Christ. We won’t be scattered as long as we stay near Him.

You may be going through a harsh winter season, a dry and barren time. But don’t give up hope. God will come on the scene at just the right time. His ways are not our ways and His times are not our times. He may be ready to “show up” just as we give up- so never give up. And continue to pray for the Church—and believe that in God’s time—we will shine with the glory of the Lord and that nations- the heathen, will come to us and we will show them the way of salvation. The Church WILL be a bright light in the darkness, a beacon that shows the glory of the Lord within her.


Dear Lord,
Help me to do my part, to continue on and not grow weary, but be strengthened by Your power and might. I want to be part of that beautiful Church that shows forth the glory of God. I want to be able, after a harsh winter, after a dry and barren season, to arise and shine for You!

In Jesus’ lovely name, Amen.


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