
Showing posts from January, 2017

2017- Bring It On!

As I look back on my blo g I can see I have been lax in writing. This I want to correct in the New Year. I must say that overall 2016 was a very good year because I serve an awesome God. I look around my office and see on my prayer walls the many prayer requests I had posted this past year for healings, deliverances, for God to move in a special way in individual lives. I post them on a white index card on  my bulletin board or on the front of the doors of my standing cupboards. When a prayer has been answered I take a bright yellow index card and write over it: healed, delivered, answered, etc. I notice that there are a lot of yellow cards over there!  Some are still white.  But we don't give up when we don't see the answer. We lost a few good people this year in our family and friends. They went on to be with the Lord. We saw a few miracles happen also. I do thank and praise the Lord for this! And we are still standing in the gap for those who are sick, going through vario