Count Me Worthy

I see that I haven't been diligent in the writings of my blog.  This year seems to have gone so fast. I can hardly believe we are talking turkey and some of us (including myself) are singing Christmas songs.  I have even begun to put out some Christmassy things around the house. Call me crazy- but my heart is so full of joy at this time, I can't help but sing "Joy to the World, the Lord is come".  He is here.  He never left.

 So to catch up a little, I go back to the end of 2016.  Many times  God gives me a verse to take me into the New Year.  And this year He gave me: 2 Thessalonians 1:11,12-- one of Paul's many prayers to the churches which I love, take personally and pray often.  It says:"To this end also, we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ might be glorified in you and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ."  (NASB)

This prayer has really carried me through this year so far. It has become my deepest desire. I want to satisfy and please my Lord and to fulfill that calling that He has placed on me. As I strive to do my best (and yes, many times I still fail), but I get my eyes back on Jesus and move forward.  We must move forward, past our weaknesses, our insecurities, our struggles and our trials.  We must determine to not let these things deter us from that which He has called us to do.

I want Him to be glorified in me so that others will be drawn to Him- not to me-- but to Jesus. I want to be that vessel of honor that God can use.  Living in these days can be truly overwhelming.  I know several who have lost loved ones this year.  I know several who have suffered greatly in their bodies without any relief.  My husband and I have gone through several things this year- nothing tragic or earth shattering- but just those things that pop up in our lives that can steal our joy and our purpose. But I also know the God who can bring peace in those times so that we can continue on our journey fulfilling His purposes.  Our eyes must be focused on Him at all times.

Do you know what God has called you to? Do you realize that you have a purpose to fulfill? Pray and seek God to show you, pray this prayer expecting God to do what He says. God will give you the insight and wisdom- and the ability through the Holy Spirit.

Lord, I pray that You count me worthy of the calling that You placed on me so that You might receive the glory. In Jesus Name. Amen.

~ ~ Donna



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