
Showing posts from March, 2018

Winter- A Season of Quiet Expectation

Thou hast made summer and winter" Psalm 74:17   I am not a fan of winter by any means.  But over the years I have learned to adjust not only to bad weather but to the quietness and stillness that comes with it.  It is especially calming when I see those beautiful white feathery flakes come floating from the sky.  I must say here that I do not drive in bad weather and my heart and prayers go out to those who do.  But since I am retired and have no responsibilities to go out into that bad stuff, I can enjoy it more. Over the past several years my husband and I have been redoing our gardens.  We have bought several flowering shrubs, bushes and bulbs.  I find myself in the dead of winter going outside and walking around our yard and inspecting the shrubs and bushes to see how they are managing in the cold weather.  I have been known to talk to them and encourage them. I also do planning for the next spring and summer, looking through gardening books and just letting my im