God Is Up To Something!

John 11:20 "Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him; but Mary sat still in the house."

John 11: 22"But I know, that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee."

I have always thought that Martha was misunderstood.  You always hear about how spiritual Mary was and her sister Martha was always fussing, anxious about how the house looked and making sure that there was enough food and that all the guests were comfortable and taken care of.  All the while her sister Mary was sitting at Jesus feet, taking in all that He had to give.  Now, don't get me wrong- sometimes I am a Mary and other times I am a Martha.  We need both, maybe a little less of Martha's anxiety and fussing.

But in these verses, Martha- the true Martha, comes forth.  While everyone else- including Mary- were back at the house crying and grieving that their brother Lazarus was dead- it was Martha who got up and went out of the house to meet Jesus.  Maybe she was going to give Him a piece of her mind- because she knew that if He had been there on time, their brother would not have died.  But when she met Jesus- He changed her direction of thought.

She knew that Jesus could do anything- could have done anything- but watch in this portion of scripture just how Jesus takes that tiny GLIMMER of HOPE inside of her- somewhere down inside-maybe-she begins to think that just maybe- Jesus can do something NOW!  Deep inside of her I believe that she knew that Jesus was up to something.

Have you ever felt that way?  You're down, discouraged, depressed because of some trial or difficulty.  But something inside says- "Maybe- just maybe- Jesus is up to something NOW!"

Jesus recognized her faith in Him- even if it was just a little faith, even if she was having a hard time believing just then.  And she recognized His character and power-- what all He was capable of doing.  When those two factors come in contact with each other- BOOM! LOOKOUT!  Something is going to happen!  It didn't matter how little Martha's faith was and it doesn't matter how little our faith is- Jesus will grab hold of our little and turn it into much!  When we offer our "little" to a GREAT I AM- look out!  Things- miracles- are about to take place!

Psalm 71:14 in the NIV states: "As for me, I will always have hope".  It may be just a trickle, it may be just a glimmer, just a smoldering ember.  But when it comes in contact with the Almighty One- He takes it and works a miracle.

Never give up.  Do you feel like you are at the end of your rope?  Do you feel like your life has been devastated?  Do you feel like everything you ever dreamed of has come crashing down around and you feel hopeless and helpless?  That must have been how Martha felt initially.  But when she met Jesus on the way- her thinking changed as He grabbed hold of that little sliver of hope and faith and He was able to turn it all around.  Just think- because Martha got up and went out of the house to meet Jesus-- He revealed to her first- that He was the Resurrection and Life!  Who knows what will happen or what kind of revelations Jesus will give us when we get up off our pity party pillow and go meet Jesus!!!

Dear Lord, help us to never give up and to realize that as we offer up to You what little we have- faith, hope, anything- that You will meet it with your amazing power and will turn things around.  Give us new revelations of You.  Amen.

~ ~ Donna


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