Just A Little

Sometimes we think we don't have enough of what it takes: to be strong or brave; to do something different; to have great faith and do great exploits.  But the Bible is full of stories of people who only had a little bit of something-- but when they used what they had- they found out it was more than enough.

The incident recorded in Matthew 14:22-33 regarding Peter walking on the water is such a case.  Many state that Peter didn't have faith, didn't have what it took to continue walking on the water.  But just where are the rest of the disciples?  They are still back in the boat!  They didn't even attempt to go out to meet Jesus when He was walking on the water.  As Peter became overwhelmed at the waves and got his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink.  Jesus made a statement to Peter: "Thou of little faith, why hast thou doubted?"  It seemed like a rebuke at the time.  But as we look into those words- "little faith"- we find out that it means "underdeveloped faith as opposed to no faith."  At least Peter used what little faith he had and got out of the boat!

If we have faith even as just a grain of mustard seed (Matthew 17:20) nothing will be impossible.  The mustard seed is very tiny, but it grows into a giant bush.  If we possess just a little faith (and we do according to Romans 12:3) we can do extraordinary things for God.  We have all read the account of the little boy that brought his lunch to Jesus. (Matthew 14:14-21)  The crowd had grown very large and the day was getting late and there was nothing to feed the people.  But the little boy who had a packed lunch with five loaves and two fish- gave them up to Jesus- and when Jesus lifted them up towards heaven and gave thanks ---we know what happened!  5,000 men, plus women and children were fed and then there were 12 baskets full of leftovers!

I see a key here to our "little faith".  It is in the "giving up", "letting go" of what little we do have- and offering it up to the Lord.  You see, it isn't in what we have-- but it is in what God will do with what we give Him.  The little boy with the lunch had to let go of it.  David- as a young boy- when he went to fight Goliath- had five stones-- that's all.  Saul tried to get David to use his armor- but David said no.  David said that he came in the Name of the Lord with just five stones in a sling. That's all he had- and he had to let them go.  A widow woman only had a handful of meal and a little oil.  But when she made a cake and offered it to the prophet Elijah, soon afterward she saw that her barrel of meal and jar of oil was full.  God had provided a miracle for her.

We must remember that it isn't how much or how little we have- it is what God is that matters!  He is the Great I Am.  Many times our faith is tiny and weak and we may not know just what we want or expect from the Lord- but- He recognizes it, takes it and goes from there!  He takes what we give Him and multiplies it.  We just have to use what we have, we must let it go- trusting in the Lord's power and might- and we can stand back and see Him do amazing things through us-- through our little faith.

Are you facing a mighty mountain?  Are you looking at a raging river? Are you struggling with something in your life?  Trust God- let go of what little faith you have- and give it to Him- and you will be amazed at what God will do. 

Lord, teach us all to use what we have in Your Name, realizing that it isn't how little or much that we have, it is because of Your great and mighty power that will work through us.  In Your Name, Amen.

Get out of the boat!


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