A Room With A View

Revelation 4:1 “After these things, I looked and behold, a door standing open in heaven.  And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this.”

My husband and I love to visit lighthouses.  We enjoy the history of lighthouses and then also the spiritual application to Christ as our lighthouse.  I most enjoy going to the top!  Usually, there are a number of steps to get there.  On  our latest visit to a lighthouse, I was most determined to make it to the top.  My husband chose not to venture up the tower.  Of course, most of the lighthouses that are open to visitors are out of commission, so the light and the lens are  not longer present.  But I wanted to go to the top to see what I could see.  I wanted a better view!

After climbing 39 twisting, winding,  narrow stone steps, there was a metal ladder perpendicular with 7 steps to the top.  Yes, I climbed them all! I remember holding on tight to the sides of the ladder and being careful where I placed my feet on the rungs, to be sure I would not lose my balance or grip and fall backwards.  At the top of the metal ladder, there was just enough of an opening for me to pull myself through to the top. But I wanted to see the view from the top.  I wanted to enter into the room with a view. And what a view it was! There were windows all around the tower and I could look in any direction.  My view was not distorted or obstructed. I could see across the harbor, the boats and ships passing by. I could look out over the houses in the small town.  I could see in any direction. It was quite a view.  It really put things into perspective. Although my legs and shoulders ached the next day from holding myself so stiff on that straight up ladder, it was worth it.

We are entering a brand-new year.  I am more determined than ever to have a room with a view!  I want to see things, life, my life, all things- from God’s perspective. I want to enter that room- His Presence- that secret place with Him.  I desire to go higher with Him. It takes work, a strong desire and may cost me a few things- things I don’t really need anyway.  It may cost me my time- spending less time on frivolous things and things of the world, in order to climb the steep steps towards the top.  We don’t enter the room with a view carrying all our baggage along with us.  When I made that climb to the top of the tower, I left my purse and other things (except my camera) with my husband.  I wanted to be as hands free as possible.  Holding onto that steep ladder was no easy task for this 67 old with stiff knees and aching back. We must let go of a lot of things in order to hold onto God and climb up to the room with a view. The opening is narrow at the top- but anyone willing to try can enter in.  I am willing to let go and go up.

The verse in Revelation 4:1 is regarding the Apostle John when he had the great revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Many theologians use this verse in reference to the Church going up to heaven in the “rapture”.  I see it more in the present tense.  I believe it is speaking to our hearts that there is a door open in heaven and God is calling His sons and daughters to come up higher – now.  Come up to the room with a view.  I believe He could be saying today, “Come up with Me and look at the world and all its situations from My view.  Come up with Me and take a look at your own life from My point of view.  You will see many things which you cannot see down at the bottom.  Come up with Me and feel my heartbeat.  See what breaks My heart.  See what gives me joy. See what I see.  And I have given you power over these things as you submit yourself to My spirit in prayers, intercessions and pouring your heart out to Me, as you spend time in My presence. Come up to the room with a view.”

Are you desiring more of the Lord?  Do you want to enter that room with a view- a view into what God sees- a view where God is present- a view into His glory?  It will cost you something for sure:  time, relationships, reputation, attitudes, etc.  Those who desire to go to the top are not always popular with those who are caught up with all the things of the world.  It is much better to have our eyes and heart set on things above rather than the things of the earth.

A room with a view.  Is this your heart’s desire?  If it is, God has birthed that inside of you and you will not be able to live without it.    

Colossians 3:1-4 “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. when Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” 

  ~ Donna


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