Just BE

So, here we are, once again in the final days of the old year, anticipating the new one just around the corner.  I am not one to make new year's resolutions, because by the end of the first week, I have forgotten all about them.  Although I do have quite a large sign on my fridge that states: "What we don't change, we chose".  It reminds me that when I open the refrigerator door, I don't have to just grab something to eat. I have the power to NOT open that door.

Recently as  I was thinking about some of the changes I want to see in myself in the coming year, the thought came to me:  "Just BE".  Just be what, Lord?  Happier? Thinner? Healthier?  Just be what, Lord? More spiritual? Less of a complainer? The answer came: "Just be-- stop trying so hard." Stop being so hard on myself.  Stop worrying about the future and fretting over the past. Let go of  the things I have no control over. Just let all the hurt and pain go and just be. Just be, and rest in Christ. As I offer myself to Him on a daily basis, it isn't a list of rules of do's and don't s- but it is resting in what I know the Word says.  Just let Him do the work through me, and stop working to receive His approval.  And if I make a mistake, as we all do- and I need to repent- repent and then just be. Just embrace the joy of my salvation. Just chose grace and peace on a daily, sometimes hourly basis.  Just be.  Just chose to love unconditionally especially to those who are unloving towards you. To rest in Him.  To seek His face in the secret place.  Just be. Just find joy in the daily routine.  We weren't all called to be some big preacher, teacher or prophet. Not all of us will influence the multitude. Just be. Influence the ones that God has already placed in my life.  Just be. Find joy and fulfillment in the everyday, very mundane life, which by the way- is the real life.  We weren't created to live on the mountain top. We were created to make a difference in valley.

The picture of the rose that I have been placing on my blog has great significance in my life.  Many years ago I was a very sad, lonely and depressed person. One day as I was praying the Lord dropped this into my spirit: "Loneliness is like a thorn, and although God doesn't remove it, the roses can still bloom, if you let them. Each day, a new rosebud will appear, and it can blossom and flourish, and be fragrant to those around you; and especially to God. If you don't let the roses bloom, the bush becomes a bush of thorns, which will eventually destroy itself and those around you. So let the roses bloom in your life."  As I began, back in those days, to let the roses bloom in my life, it brought about great change. This rose reminds me of God's Word to me many years ago. 

So, no list of resolutions- but to "just be".

God bless all of you in the coming year.  We can't determine what 2020 will bring, but we can determine to live for Christ.



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