Let There Be Light

The world was in great darkness.
God spoke the Word into the world
And there was LIGHT.
 (Genesis 1:2,3)

The world sat in great darkness.
God spoke the Word into Mary.
And there was LIGHT.
(Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16; Luke 1:311-38)

The world sat in great darkness.
God spoke the Word into the apostles- the Church was born.
And there was LIGHT.
(Acts 2:1-21)

The world sits in great darkness once again.
God is speaking the Word into the Church-
Let there be LIGHT!
And there will be LIGHT!
(Isaiah 60:2; 2 Timothy 3:1-9; 
Revelation 21:11,23,24; 22:5)

    ~ Donna


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