
Showing posts from January, 2020

Extravagant Devotion Series ~ Introduction

Scripture reference John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9 I saw this phrase “extravagant devotion” in one my study Bibles as it was describing Mary’s devotion for Christ.   It set me thinking and searching about my own devotion to God and what it was in Mary to have this phrase attributed to her. So, I began to do a little digging and praying. The Webster Dictionary defines “extravagant” as: "exceeding the limit of reason or necessity, lacking in moderation, balance and restraint, extremely or excessively elaborate and spending much more than necessary." There are a lot of moderate, balanced and restrained Christians in the Church today.   But God is seeking those a little “off balanced” with a lifestyle of giving “more than necessary” in their worship and devotion.   He is looking for those who display and live a life of “extravagant devotion” to Him.   This isn’t a fleshly display that we often see in churches and meetings today.   I personally

Less ~ More

Less performance~         More of His Presence Fewer lists~         More listening   Less "work"~           More worship                    Fewer habits~            More of His habitation Less inward inspection~            More of His indwelling  Less limits~            More love  Less dwelling in the past~             More living in the "now"                                          ~ Donna