A Place of Quietness

I have calmed and quieted my soul- Psalm 131:2

With everything that is going on in the world and in our lives today, it is so vital to maintain a spirit of rest. We won’t be able to truly discern what actually is going on “behind” the scenes and can’t hear from God. The enemy puts out a lot of smoke screens, clamor, bright lights, to distract us from the true happening and mostly to rob us of the peace of God.  We become like overloaded circuits.  We don’t need to “know” everything that is going on in the world and in the lives of our families and friends.  Social media has deceived us into thinking that we must let everyone know every minute detail of our lives and that we need to know theirs.  We don’t need to know what is trending, what is most popular and what everyone is saying about this or that.   It overloads our brains and we can’t function at a spiritual level.  This is a trick of the enemy to keep us from that fellowship and communion with God. We get into the swift moving current.  But instead, we need to be the bridge and let the current flow beneath us. Some days, we just need to keep the news and social media turned off and our spirits tuned in.

A place of quietness, a secret place- to hear from God. Trust Him to bring to us those people and situations we need to be involved in. Common sense would tell us that we can’t be involved in everything and everybody’s lives. We miss out on the VERY thing that God wants us to focus on. I must trust Him and not social media to inform me.

At the same time, we don’t want to be a hermit, a monk- hidden away in the cloister of our own life unaware and unaffected by what is going on around us.  We must trust God to be our information highway but in order to do that we must disconnect from the clamor, the noise and frenzy of the world- and hear from Him.

Calm and quiet your soul today. 

Dear Lord, in the midst of all the news and soical media, all the voices, all the clamor-- teach me to calm and quiet my soul as I spend time in Your Word and in Your Presence through prayer and worship and praise.

~ Donna


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